Example sentences of "that someone [adv] was " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I always felt the pull between loyalty to ICI and a working life I enjoyed and the thought that someone else was looking after my children ’ .
2 Mum and Dad could relax knowing that the children were being looked after , that someone else was cooking the meals and that every evening would bring some form of entertainment .
3 Circumstantial evidence could take the form of showing the defendant wished to cover up an offence committed by himself , such as driving over the prescribed limit , being involved in an accident and then , as mentioned ( C ) 2 ante alleging that someone else was driving at the time of the accident .
4 Andrew 's head was nearly bursting with the deadly anger in him , half-suffocated by it as he became aware that someone else was in the room .
5 I have warned before of the dangers of the celebrity publisher interview , and I 'm glad to seen that someone else was listening .
6 ‘ If it 'd been my missus , I 'd 've been relieved that someone else was taking an interest .
7 That night , when he awoke in the full certainty that someone else was in the room , he reached for it , where it usually lay by his headrest ; but he had barely moved before he felt its point at his throat .
8 They might yet discover that someone else was guilty , but he did not think so .
9 It would arise where a defendant could not prove , on the balance of probabilities , that his story was correct , that someone else was responsible for causing personal injury or damage to the vehicle taken or to other vehicles and articles , and that he was not a party to the offence .
10 There was a hunting-horn quality to this which suggested that someone else was supposed to get up and answer .
11 He said he 'd been to the pub and had 2 pints and that someone else was driving .
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