Example sentences of "that instead [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His almost pathological dread of producing a legato line means that instead of drawing us a picture of clear , flowing melodies he leaves little join-up-the-dots type sketches with the notes separated from each other by wide open spaces which even the generous resonance of St Peter 's , Waltrop ( near Dortmund ) can not adequately fill .
2 One of the techniques of cohesion ( see Chapter 5 , p. 100 ) is that instead of repeating a phrase , it is possible to use what are called grammatical words like pronouns " it " , " he " , " she " , " they " , or demonstratives like " this " .
3 And he , for his part , was feeling so euphoric that instead of shouting to his son to get up and stir his stumps , he had actually gone in there and put the envelope on Adam 's bedside table .
4 Those concerned were anxious that instead of recommending or condemning whole ranges of foods outright , balanced , moderate eating patterns should be encouraged .
5 It made the readers share in the horror it described and thereby so disgusted , shocked and outraged them that instead of tending to encourage anyone to homosexuality , drug-taking or brutal violence it would have precisely the reverse effect .
6 Mungo Stone had the sensation that instead of threading on to the horizon , at any moment the ever-narrowing rails might simply come to a dead end among the trees .
7 In the preface to this book Anne and Don Byrne state that instead of taking the usual text book approach to psychology they have ‘ decided to identify those areas of psychology which are directly relevant to the practice of nursing . ’
8 As I understand it Chair , what you 're saying is , that there are , at three there is a , a request for an exclusion of press photographers , but the convenience of press photography we 're saying that instead of taking immediately so that we 'd have to call them back here for the even later , we 're asking you for it to be taken at the end with the rest of exclusion
9 It has been suggested ( e.g. by Schank , 1977 : 424 ; Maynard , 1980 ) that instead of undertaking the difficult task of attempting to define ‘ what a topic is ’ , we should concentrate on describing what we recognise as topic-shift .
10 In his book , The Stress Myth , he contradicts the usual assumption that unwanted stress is an inevitable part of life and teaches that instead of looking for ways of dealing with it after it has occurred , we ourselves should take action to prevent it happening at all .
11 This means that instead of requiring the plaintiff to show that copying had taken place , the defendant will have to show that he did not , in fact , copy the plaintiff 's work and such a shift in the burden of proof can be exceedingly onerous to the defendant .
12 Another insight that has been coming to me consistently is that instead of beseeching God to undertake certain actions or to grant certain mercies or blessings we should state our faith that He is already and always at work in the way that we desire , so that our petition becomes an expansion of our address to Him , a relative clause expressing our conviction of faith that He is already doing what we were about to request Him to do .
13 For many years I had the somewhat perverse view that instead of rewarding the salesman who always got the business , we should reward the one who lost it .
14 The majority of the applications access the data through a small library of function calls , so that instead of using the flat files produced by the database they can be interfaced easily to other databases without significant code changes .
15 In fact , the problem for the vast majority of amateurs is that instead of thinking about hitting late , they should concentrate on hitting sooner .
16 It appears from Jean Piaget 's child psychology that perception has been inseparable from simulation right from the start , and that instead of learning to project my inwardness on to other persons I had to unlearn the habit of projecting it on to the rising sun or a bouncing ball .
17 Where a lease contains a tenant 's break-clause , and the tenancy is protected by the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , it is possible that instead of serving a contractual break notice , the tenant can serve a request for a new tenancy under s26 of the Act ( Scholl Mfg Co Ltd v Clifton ( Slim-Line ) Ltd ) .
18 What has tended to happen historically , with earlier attempts to provide alternatives to custody , is that instead of moving offenders currently receiving a sentence of imprisonment down-tariff , in this case to some form of punishment in the community , down-tariff offenders — those who formerly were dealt with by a fine or conditional discharge — have been given the new sentence .
19 Chuck noticed that instead of drinking the usual cold tea like the others he surreptitiously raised a hip flask to his lips a couple of times when he thought he was unobserved .
20 Its chairman , David Murray , wrote to Mr Gillespie saying that instead of handing over the shares on the previously agreed dates , he could keep them until he was 65 in 1991 , when they would be transferred to MIH in one lump .
21 The result is that instead of trying to recover the often indeterminable illocutionary force intended by the author for this or that character , the actor finds himself inventing someone who might have wished to express this or that speech act by means of the speeches assigned to him in the text .
22 Will the Prime Minister confirm that he personally was informed about British Steel 's decision to close Ravenscraig over a fortnight before the official announcement last week and that instead of trying to reverse the decision , he and the Secretary of State for Scotland took part in a conspiracy of silence ?
23 Full control of the party-state over society , which means that instead of trying to implement targets determined by social expectations and social demands , communist bureaucracies can enforce and pursue aims of their own .
24 But now I think there 's a new feeling abroad that instead of trying to solve the poverty of third world countries , by providing them with aeroplanes , particularly for their armies and providing them with electricity generating plants , we should actually start at bottom ; we should start with the children , in providing medicines , in providing enough food , so that those children will grow up and will be able to fend for themselves , providing them with skills , providing them also with markets for the goods that they 'll produce .
25 Unfortunately , people can die before they reach retirement and some of their spouses may have a rude shock when they discover that instead of receiving a huge pension fund , they are entitled only to a return of the premiums .
26 A committee of clerics and nobles meeting at Scone in 1295 persuaded the so-called King John that enough was enough , and that instead of pandering to the King of England he should seek an alliance with the King of France .
27 This means that instead of powdering as Carrara does when eroded by pollution , Makrana marble breaks down in clusters , producing ugly craters .
28 In May 200 struck on the Orlov-Vitebsk line on this account , declaring that instead of devoting its energy to extracting gold from the churches , the government should find ways of paying them better .
29 Some reformers ( Kaldor , 1955 ; Meade , 1978 ; Pechman , 1980 ; Economist , 17 September 1983 ) have argued that instead of taxing an individual 's income , it would be better to tax his or her expenditure .
30 For this I consciously blamed my parents : it seemed to me that instead of writing to me , as other parents wrote to their daughters , they had written me off .
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