Example sentences of "that he [vb mod] like " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes she thought from the way he seemed to watch her that he might like her too but he had never said anything and Sally was beginning to be afraid he never would .
2 Martin Browne had suggested to him that he might like to revise certain scenes for this new production , but Eliot declined the opportunity — he did not want to tamper with the play , because he would have felt compelled to make further and extensive changes .
3 I suggested that he might like to go and have a talk with his crew , I did not want to send him back to his squadron , but with a new navigator I believed he could eventually forge a good Pathfinding crew .
4 Rot on the vine ’ ) , its heedlessness ( ‘ with careless hand ’ ) , and its enervation ( its land is ‘ tired ’ , its conquest of that terrain ‘ unmanned ’ ) — that he would like if he could to unravel the threads of history , and become again a citizen of that Old World which his ancestors should never have left .
5 There will also be talk of a return by Boycott , who has always been open in admitting that he would like to be either cricket chairman or team manager .
6 Erika , who had never set eyes on Hetta in her life , stoutly agreed , and even Paul , making a dishevelled appearance , said with his new courtliness that he would like to meet her , causing Frau Nordern to raise a sceptical eyebrow and warn him not to be sarcastic at that time of the morning .
7 ‘ Can I give my Right Honourable Friend two big thank-yous ! ’ , he cried , in a tone suggesting that he would like to accompany them with two big kisses .
8 ‘ We are prepared to work with the police and to provide the information needed to bring the perpetrators of attacks to justice , ’ he says , adding that he would like to see Mr McLean in the hope of building a relationship .
9 In December 1954 he was ridden for the first time by the reigning champion jockey Dick Francis : after the race Francis told Cazalet that he would like to ride Devon Loch one day in the Grand National …
10 Mr Murray made it clear yesterday that he would like the counties to accept the whole plan , not just parts of it as has happened with earlier committees .
11 Robert Malpas , chairman of the privatised power company Powergen , was quoted as saying that he would like to ‘ get away ’ with fitting FGD at just one of his power stations .
12 Beowulf says that he would like to sail for Hrothgar 's land and take up the fight against the monster .
13 Years previously , as a probationary cadet at Harrogate , and later at O.C.T.U. , he had said that he would like to make a success of soldiering , but not for the sake of prestige or promotion .
14 I 'm not sure that he would like to be described as a contacting Peter Hobson at Windyridge , Donington on Bain , Lincolnshire ( telephone : 0507 84737 ; fax : 0507 84393 ) as he dismantles fairly new vehicles .
15 ( 29–30 September 1777 ) Having decided that he would like to remain in Munich Mozart reported a plan to Leopold which he thought might enable him to do so .
16 None the less , the universality of this practice is attested by one wit who told Brown that he would like to die before him , so that he could have a look at heaven before Brown ‘ improved ’ it .
17 He has often joked that he would like to take over from John Peel when he retires .
18 It was Terry Rickards saying that he would like to drop in for a chat with Mr Dalgliesh if it would n't be too much bother and would nine be convenient ?
19 My eldest son decided that he would like an electric guitar and amplifier for his 12th birthday .
20 Cave later remarked that he would like to see more Bad Seeds gigs take the form of guest slots and surprise additions .
21 US officials say the Russians are trying to put pressure on President Bush to make last-minute concessions , knowing that he would like a summit to end his presidential term .
22 George knew at an early age that he would like to pursue a career in engineering .
23 ‘ But since then Colin has become a champion so I 'm quite sure that he would like a fairly substantial purse for the fight .
24 Stradlin sings like a proper rock singer ; gravelly and unshaven and with just the tiniest hint that he would like some sex fairly soon .
25 When Neil Jenkins was asked after his side 's quarter-final victory over Cardiff High School Old Boys ( also known as Cardiff Harlequins ) , which club he would like to see Pontypridd avoid in the semi-finals , he replied that he would like to miss out on Swansea and Llanelli .
26 Picon also admits quietly that he would like to construct additional galleries above the current restaurant space .
27 In Manchester , he had shared a simple , newish little house with a succession of curates , and he rather thought , pacing his new Victorian Gothic halls , that he would like a whole army of curates with him now .
28 An industrial manager at any level should endeavour to have a clear view of the future , and the role that he would like his business to play in that future .
29 Just occasionally a lesser official might eschew them : Sir Edward Hoby , for instance , told Robert Cecil in 1599 that he would like an office in reversion , since this would give him something to do ; he would not exercise the post by deputy .
30 To take a few examples : J. Uvedale asked Thomas Cromwell in 1537 to find him a place with the King or with Prince Edward ; Ralph Sadler asked Cromwell to help him obtain from the Bishop of London the keepership of a park in Essex ; John Varney wanted Cromwell to get the King 's signature approving his petition for a life patent of his stewardship of Berkhamsted and King 's Langley ; Lord Sheffield hinted to Robert Cecil that he would like the vacant position of Lord Chamberlain ; and so on .
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