Example sentences of "that it have become " in BNC.

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1 So persistent was the language that it had become no more remarkable than just another wayward manner of speaking and their sons paid so little attention to it that it might well have been one of the many private languages of love .
2 Later in the day she was busy again when the Intelligence Officer informed her that it had become necessary for a UDR soldier and his family to move from their present house .
3 The documentarists were natural allies of the government , well practised in tailoring their own ideas to the demands of their sponsors , and exploring ideas about British character that it had become important to validate in order to distinguish the natives from their foes .
4 The speed of change was such that it had become difficult to keep up with developments of which perhaps ‘ we have not yet seen the end ’ .
5 By the end of the nineteenth-century , the biological model of sexuality was so constructed that it had become perfectly coherent to argue that excessive sexual desire in a woman was pathological .
6 The Railway Gazette reported that it had become an attraction to sightseers , rather like the early days at the first Euston and at the inauguration of the great European and American stations .
7 The conclusion in No. 10 was , therefore , that it had become part of the Cabinet Office and was politically starved … on anything that had a political dimension , the tank found itself rather isolated . ’
8 Water had dripped on to the paper so that it had become sodden and merged with the lettuce leaves .
9 The observation that it had become a sick bag is credited to …
10 It turned out that our candidate , who came to address us one evening , knew my Aunt Kit and had the greatest admiration for her , even though he also knew that the only reason why she had not been offered another , safer constituency after 1945 was that it had become too obvious she was unable to keep off the drink .
11 I suppose it was considered such a terrible thing to say about anyone that it had become a totally taboo concept — even for your worst enemy .
12 Did that exhibition suggest to you that Pop Art was a thrusting and lively activity with a relevance in contemporary art , or that it had become a comfortable and nostalgic moment in art history ?
13 However , he is regarded as a less vocal critic of the government , has banned the study of the Medellin documents and asked nuns and priests to withdraw from their community work on the grounds that it had become too dangerous :
14 Its academic success had been such that it had become progressively less progressive , its original zeal swamped by the fee-paying prosperous solid Northern conservatism of parents and offspring : it had become a bastion of respectability , its one-time principles upheld by stray survivors like Doddridge , who appeared blithely not to notice that at election time the entire school , with one or two flamboyant exceptions , howled its enthusiasm for the Tory Party .
15 What was striking was that the women artists were reshaping an inherited iconographic language and that it had become theirs to stake out as their own : the language of the body .
16 Half an hour later , driven by a resolve almost beyond her comprehension , she was across the lake , informing Tilly that it had become necessary for her to take up more permanent residence at the Lodge .
17 It quoted him as saying that " if the Iraqis had given a positive response to our call sooner , the situation would be different now " , but also as adding that it had become " evident " that " the USA and its allies are pursuing wider aims than Iraq 's withdrawal from Kuwait " .
18 When Two Left Feet was eventually released , critics pointed out that it had become dated , but there was general praise for the performances of Crawford and his two female co-stars , all of whom had been unknown when they made the film but had become names by the time it was shown in cinemas .
19 Whereas Zen knew that the truth prevailed , if at all , only after so much time had passed that it had become meaningless , like a senile prisoner who can safely be released , his significance forgotten , his friends dead , a babbling idiot .
20 The evidence strongly suggests that it had become increasingly so since the seventeenth century .
21 The society boasts that it has become the most successful single-issue pressure group since William Wilberforce and opposition to the slave trade .
22 In 1924 , though , Eliot has come to perceive The Golden Bough as a ‘ stupendous compendium of human superstition and folly ’ , seeing in it increasingly less ‘ interpretation ’ , so that it has become ‘ a statement of fact ’ which is not involved in the maintenance or fall of any theory of Frazer 's .
23 It is characteristic of Eliot to move in After Strange Gods from the savage notion of taboo , which he sees as having decayed in our time so that it has become ‘ used … in an exclusively derogatory sense ’ , to the Christian notion of ‘ heresy ’ as being vital to the interpretation of the modern world and to the health of the ( mainly Christian-based ) ‘ tradition ’ .
24 Subsequently , President Moi has consolidated his position in such a way that it has become difficult , if not impossible , for anyone to challenge his position by constitutional means .
25 It is a cliche to say that it has become a way of life , and that the stone-throwing is only the public , propaganda face of a whole political , social , economic and psychological transformation — the Palestinians ' own perestroika — which both sustains the Intifada and lays the groundwork for the eventual transition to statehood .
26 A colourless gas with a faint tang , it can produce narcosis and even ( after a lengthy exposure at a concentration of 5 per cent or more ) unconsciousness and death , but it is as a greenhouse gas emitted in the course of producing man-made energy that it has become central to our end-of-century concerns .
27 It will , though , be tempered by the healing gap of time , so that it has become ‘ This time the year before last … ’ not ‘ This time last year … ’ .
28 So much so that it has become a saw of pollsters and political commentators that ‘ election campaigns make no difference ’ .
29 The 1992 programme has begun to falter amid growing evidence that it has become rigged with national interests , disadvantaging those countries who play by the rules .
30 This in itself means that it has become more important to understand what their lives mean to them .
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