Example sentences of "that she wanted [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It was not that she wanted to kill Simon any more .
2 But by August her feelings had turned full circle , she wrote that she wanted to kill both Hendry and his manager Ian Doyle — the nightmare had begun .
3 Not that she wanted to lose her virginity — nothing as drastic as that !
4 She knew at that moment that she wanted to injure every penis that ever came into her hand .
5 Lee spoke simply , positively , but was aware that she wanted to hit Philippa .
6 Despite the fact that she wanted to weep , and she was shaking so badly inside that it was a wonder she could still stand up straight at all , she snorted derisively , because she was too afraid to believe his words .
7 He smiled down at her and , in the light from the fire , he looked so handsome , so strong and safe that she wanted to cling to him .
8 She withdrew , and Claudia opened the door , steeling herself to greet Roman without a trace of the emotion that made her want to run out of the flat , away from the two people she loved most and who were causing her so much pain that she wanted to die .
9 It was only partly that she disliked breaking arrangements , more that she wanted to let Cobalt see she was alive and well .
10 Today she had something of her own that she wanted to do and she felt trapped .
11 The last thing that she wanted to do was to add to his pain .
12 Had n't she always concentrated all her energies on having a good time , even though she knew deep down that she wanted to do more with her life ?
13 She was transferring her anxieties to him and now that she recognised that she wanted to do something about it .
14 Josie said that she did n't usually get in until around six , but that there were a few extra jobs that she wanted to finish off ; Lucy had the feeling , but did n't say so , that the main point of the exercise was probably to get her out of the way before the slender red-haired woman arrived home .
15 It was a pleasure that she wanted to press into her body while at the same time throw it off as far away from her as possible .
16 She had n't , either ; she had sensed , in Tommaso 's treat , something that she could not identify , but that she wanted to smother , keeping it from her sister 's knowledge : so she pinched Franco really hard on the arm until he cried out , ‘ What was that for ? ’
17 You were eight years old and I suppose it is to your mother 's credit that she wanted to spare you any court proceedings .
18 She was giving no sign that she wanted to move .
19 Knew that she had warmed to him , that she wanted to ease his grief , and for a dangerous few seconds he thought he would cry .
20 At the beginning of each week she read through the Radio Times and TV Times and ringed the programmes that she wanted to see .
21 Lady Wilcox , the NCC chairman , told Valerie Grove of the Sunday Times in September 1990 that she wanted to see responsible lending and responsible borrowing .
22 Reluctantly she admitted that she wanted to see him all the time .
23 I know I were showing her alarms and that she wanted to see how they work .
24 Britta asked ; she already knew , but the sudden calm after battle , the jumbled thoughts filling her head , and the sensation of Lacuna 's strong arms around her combined to create a magical atmosphere that she wanted to prolong .
25 It was possible , of course , that she wanted to dispense tea and sympathy , but he had his doubts .
26 ‘ Because you ca n't face the truth that we are falling in love yet again ? ’ he suggested so calmly that she wanted to slap him hard for his change of mood .
27 Ludens thought , she 's a puritan ; and he felt a sympathy with her and would have tarried , as he sensed that she wanted to talk to him .
28 But she heard herself saying , still in shrewish style , that on the contrary there was n't any time in the morning , that she had to go to a psychoanalytical conference in the Metropole Hotel with a bunch of Japanese in the morning , that she wanted to talk now , that he could n't just announce that he wanted to get divorced and then decide he was too tired to talk about it .
29 Doreen moved about the office in a restless manner , giving the impression that she wanted to talk , yet not knowing how to begin .
30 Projects UK , 1 Black Swan Court , Westgate Road , Newcastle ( Until March 7 ) AS the second of the four overseas photographers , who came to Tyneside last summer , thereby pre-empting the international flavour of the Cleveland 's River Tees project by more than a year , Natassa Markidou , who has a studio and dark-room in Athens , decided that she wanted to commemorate her stay in the North-East by going back to basics .
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