Example sentences of "that none [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The incompetence of the king , and the arrogance and greed of the Despensers , had so alienated men from the court that none except the few who profited from the king 's favour would fight for him .
2 As we discuss the changing role of the traditional high-street off-licence , it is all too plain that none of the first six customers have browsed or bought wine or done what the market research says they should be doing .
3 This all sounds well and good until you find yourself airborne at night , armed only with a line on a map , and you find that none of the features on your map can be seen because — surprise , surprise — it 's dark !
4 The first thing you learn up in Kisumu is that none of the churches are large enough to hold the large congregations attending Mass .
5 And in 1958 , when over eight million households had television licences , the various trade associations formed the Film Industry Defence Organization ( FIDO ) in an attempt to ensure that none of the nation 's producers sold their films to television .
6 The group 's publicity suggests that the issue being dealt with is mental illness , which led a therapist in the audience to say that none of the characters seemed to him to be mentally ill .
7 There was disappointment , however , as it became clear that none of the 10 water companies are likely to get into the FTSE index of the hundred biggest companies .
8 The trouble is that none of the three firms is nearly as Japanese as the owners would like it to be .
9 Nowadays it can more or less count on getting asked routinely to sanction , shape or run a new form of global riot-control that none of the big powers , not even America , is ready to do alone .
10 Given his scepticism about our ability to penetrate to the real essences of things , it is not surprising that he finds that none of the much-discussed contemporary theories on offer provide a satisfactory answer , and concludes that we are simply ignorant about this .
11 Paul is declaring that none of the things we boast about , or trust in — intellect , upbringing , orthodoxy , good life , and so on — are vehicles of salvation .
12 If he knew that none of the call charges on his bill were his , it proved just how often Gina phoned her friends , in spite of any pretences she might make .
13 The white calico drawers would be standard wear , laundered all together , and I knew , having realized that none of the patients wore their dental plates , that there was no place here for black lace with rosebuds — nor if I brought them would they be long in her possession .
14 An understandable reaction , and it is understandable , too , that none of the other towns of Philistia bid to house the ark instead .
15 But the UK 's headlining musical guests are surprised that none of the staff seem to know their records or videos ( shown to the point of saturation on MTV and BET ) .
16 When shoots can be seen , double check that none of the tubers are upside down .
17 Certain that none of the men on the Flounder would have survived , she named each of them .
18 There is also , judging by the folks I talk to , a band of floating voters who feel that none of the major parties represents their aspirations .
19 I 'd also bet that none of the girls in the class is one whit more likely to become a lesbian , or to have the pure white robe of her maidenhood smirched in any way .
20 YOU would think that none of the main party leaders would forget today , but past experience suggests otherwise .
21 You can not imagine him putting up with the committee which apparently advised Elizabeth II in 1960 to buy an all too committee-like selection of modern artists — Nolan , Lowry , Hitchens , Davie — chosen , one suspects , so that none of the great men felt left out .
22 Credit Suisse said that although it had been decided that none of the managers could represent the bondholders , it would be advising them and providing them with information .
23 By saying that God ‘ transcends ’ the universe we are saying that none of the limitations that apply to finite life — such as being in a particular place — applies to God .
24 But if ‘ transcendence ’ means not that God is physically distant from the world , but that none of the characteristics of finite human life , like location , duration and change , applies to Him , then it is at least not an obvious contradiction to call Him both ‘ transcendent ’ and ‘ immanent ’ .
25 MI5 agreed to give what help was necessary so it is fairly obvious that none of the security services took Eden 's directive seriously .
26 It appears that none of the Leapors owned a freehold .
27 The used or ‘ spent ’ fuel , as the industry describes it , must therefore either be stored in such a way that none of the radioactivity can escape , or it can be ‘ reprocessed ’ in order to separate the reusable materials from the unpleasant waste .
28 She paused and peered down the rocky road to make sure that none of the children who lived in the lower houses had followed her .
29 He went home with a single man whose mantelpiece was crowded with framed family photos — partners , holidays , weddings , babies , graduations , christenings ; the man ( who was gorgeous ) told Boy that he worked in a photo processing lab , and that none of the photos were of his own family or lovers , but were all stolen .
30 The problem was that none of the pilots were really confident of their navigation , the sand storm having obliterated the landmarks they were relying on .
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