Example sentences of "that since [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In 1835 , for example , just five years after Roberts had sketched the recumbent city of Jerusalem , we find the French writer Alphonse de Lamartine returning from a visit there to recommend to his readers in Voyage to the Orient that since Palestine did not really constitute a country , it presented remarkable opportunities for imperial or colonial projects .
2 Culshaw , who knew Karajan better than any of these armchair pundits , noted that since Karajan had never been interested in interpretation for interpretation 's sake — which perhaps helps explain why his readings often outlast those of more ‘ personalized ’ rivals — he naturally diverted his attention to new projects , musical , technological , scientific , logistical , until circumstances or new thinking drew him back to the central repertoire that he had recorded earlier , with other orchestras , other technology .
3 The bishops ' letter has shown the possibility of open dissent to a population that since independence has known nothing but calm .
4 Logically , therefore , we must conclude that since accidents do happen then either the system is faulty or someone along the line is not doing his job properly .
5 It is commonly suggested that since faith depends on assumptions , it has nothing to do with knowledge , just as knowledge has no need of faith .
6 And I think that since feminism involves a belief in women 's equality and of women organising and struggling on issues that affect our lives , that the emphasis will vary depending on where we are .
7 Julia was clearly on the point of accepting but remembering her manners pointed out that since Ian had brought her she could hardly desert him .
8 Mum always bragged about never borrowing off anyone but I had noticed that since Dad had been on short time she seemed to have more money than ever to spend and was getting more friendly with the neighbours she could not stand as a rule .
9 A lot of people say that since Bailey had kids he 's become human . ’
10 In 1079 , Lanfranc asked Anselm to give his opinion , and ( as we know ) he argued that since Elphege had certainly died in the effort to save his tenants from an unjust exaction , he had died for justice ; and , if for justice , then also for truth , which is only justice in another mode .
11 Is the Minister aware that since CATO closed in my constituency , 230 training places remain to be filled and 35 trainers have yet to find jobs ?
12 That foundation is analytically stronger than one relying on the casual observation that since companies possess power , they must use that power ‘ responsibly ’ .
13 A separate source of unresponsiveness to the consumer ‘ electorate ’ derives from the fact that since companies have control over the goods and services made available to the public , consumers can not positively ‘ vote ’ for the production of goods with the particular characteristics that best suit their requirements , but can only ‘ veto ’ the products they are actually offered .
14 The Salvadorean Human Rights Commission ( CDHES ) stated at the end of September 1989 that since Cristiani took office on June 1 , 1989 , 296 people had been found murdered , 416 had been detained and 48 had disappeared .
15 The reformers argued that since departments built up their philosophies over a period of time and since new measures took a considerable period to negotiate , these processes should be opened up so that the informed public could make its reactions clear while principles were still being settled .
16 The reason is that since mares have been mentioned , they fall within the current universe of discourse , and by the rule of maximisation ( the details of which are not entirely clear ) must be included in the reference of horses .
17 The issue was raised by members of Cheshire 's police committee who fear that since BT has re-routed reception of emergency calls , sometimes to centres as far away as Newcastle , the receptionists may not understand local accents and place names .
18 The first ground upon which recovery was sought was based upon the constitutional argument that since Parliament had not authorised the collection by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise of the tax the corporation was entitled to recover the amounts illegally exacted from it .
19 The truth was , she thought with a pang , that since Paul had ceased to be part of her life she had n't felt the desire or the need for any kind of social life , apart from the occasional visit to a pub with colleagues .
20 Mr Warburton replied that since Newton had had single-lead aspects in the past , it had not been considered to fall within any of the interpretations of the embargo .
21 ‘ It is a peculiar fact of life that since tourism came to España the average height of our nation has increased dramatically .
22 Clearly we do not believe that since cc occurred , e would still have as it did , even if k had been missing .
23 So far nobody has taken up the suggestion that since goalkeepers have become bigger , scoring would be made easier if the goals themselves were enlarged .
24 It may seem appropriate that since VR marks the first true merging of technology and imagination , it is sometimes hard to tell where current technology ends and its imagined future begins .
25 We may notice too that since pleasures tend to fade unless varied at every recurrence it is difficult to distinguish in practice between the man who lives for pleasure and the man who lives for new experiences .
26 We found that since GCE had been published in 1972 , ideas on grammar , and knowledge of English grammar , had changed considerably .
27 I apologised for slamming the car boot down upon it and commenting churlishly upon its perkiness and assumed that since ferns grew in the wild and my great aunt had had a whole conservatory of them , they were not difficult to rear .
28 The Libyan submission to the ICJ had claimed that since Libya had complied with the Montreal Convention of 1971 ( concerning actions threatening the safety of civil aviation ) , the UK and the USA were under a legal obligation to desist from the use of " force or threats " against Libya and from " all violations of the sovereignty , territorial integrity and the political independence of Libya " .
29 The women explained that they were ‘ former ’ in the sense that since computers had been installed , they used few of their old secretarial skills .
30 Blanche caught his look and explained smoothly to the inspector that since Eddy said he was going to bring along a guest so would she .
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