Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [art] full " in BNC.

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1 Certainly he did not stay the full course which was seven years for the qualification of a Master 's degree , the necessary precondition for further study of law , theology and medicine .
2 Even so , this did not cover the full cost of the project , confirming that some form of subsidy was essential .
3 Although CBT may not cover the full range of expert decision support facilities such systems incorporate additional , purely training features such as teaching , practice and checking .
4 The doubts as to whether costs will be available to a party and the possibility that what costs are payable by the other party will not cover the full costs of seeking legal assistance are powerful factors in decisions as to whether and when to settle .
5 New staff recruited locally who are not trained in the company 's methods can not make a full and effective contribution to the running of the business straight away .
6 Most patients did not make a full renal recovery .
7 Inside , the oak beams ( some of which are 1000 years old ) , wood panelling and inglenook fireplaces , give one the impression of stepping back in time — although today , with central heating and electric blankets , guests will not experience the full flavour of Tudor life !
8 In fact , the sound alone does not convey the full idea , but the context in which it is used .
9 They have repeatedly cut benefits for the disabled by abolishing industrial injury benefit , by abolishing disablement benefit for seven out of eight disabled people and by abolishing the reduced earnings allowance for disabled people who can not earn a full wage .
10 As we also noticed in chapter 3 , we can not predict the full membership of the set on phonological grounds .
11 They moved mostly in the early morning or the evening , for they dry out easily and can not withstand the full tropical sun .
12 The insights of the theory , he believes , are still valid : market forces do not guarantee the full use of resources .
13 It held that the Convention was permissive , not mandatory , and noted that the provisions of the Convention did not guarantee the full range of discovery available in a United States court .
14 They adopted what was becoming the catch-phrase of the moment — ‘ if you knew what we know ’ — but , as even the Convener of Orkney Islands Council , Jackie Tait , said he did not know the full details , how did some of the other councillors purport to know ?
15 At the Hard Rock Cafe , London , Mr Brooke admitted he did not know the full repertoire of the band , famous for hits like I 'm Too Sexy and Deeply Dippy .
16 I did not know the full story — would never know it .
17 We still do not know the full story of Brixton ; therefore , we do not know the truth .
18 At decision point B in Fig. 8.5. we do not know the full scores of the paths , but we can try to look ahead and estimate them or extrapolate from current scores .
19 ‘ I do not know the full story , ’ Benedicta interrupted , ‘ but there is rejoicing in Southwark at Sir Ralph 's death . ’
20 ‘ It has been claimed that their parents did not know the full extent of the dealings or what was on the films . ’
21 And although there may be a limit after which no more can be said , we do not describe a full circle and return to the proposition from which we began .
22 However , I do not expect the full effect to be felt until next year , when I am sure we can expect a megaseller each month .
23 During this spare time you can catch up on lost sleep ( as long as your naps do not prevent a full night 's sleep ) , relax after the stresses of the journey , adjust drinking and eating habits , and generally adapt to your new surroundings .
24 They had only about one hundred and fifty yards to gather speed and could not achieve a full gallop in the time .
25 Sadly Holroyd Smith did not reap the full reward his ideas should have brought .
26 The report is not complete ; it does not give a full specification nor costs .
27 During his opening speech , I asked the Secretary of State a question to which he did not give a full or satisfactory answer — why had not the Government sought to introduce those measures before they privatised monopolies , rather than wait until the customers had suffered the consequences of several years of high prices and not necessarily improved services ?
28 Johnson also read a little — in his room he had works by his erstwhile host Lord Monboddo , and Laurence Sterne 's Sermons of Mr Yorick ( interestingly , Boswell does not give the full title , merely calling it Sermons , a deference perhaps to the scandal the book had caused when it appeared in 1760 ) .
29 It should not be assumed , however , that an analysis of the incomes per capita of various countries or regions will provide a precise measure of the market potential of each ; income is a useful indicator , but it does not provide the full picture .
30 To all who heard it — even if they did not understand the full depths of the resonance he intended — Edwin Frere 's first Christmas sermon to the congregation of Munding St Mary 's was clearly an inspired delivery .
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