Example sentences of "not [prep] the whole " in BNC.

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1 One kind is the fancy dress which children can wear for a parade but not for the whole of a party .
2 It could mean bringing somewhere between about ten and fifteen million pounds into Shropshire over that six years from Europe , into , into Shropshire , not in the whole of March 's area , but into Shropshire , during that period , to help projects in the rural west of the county .
3 And , further , in areas like Easton , where there is very little crime related to the troubles , the police do not on the whole develop the attitude that law and order is a battle between the RUC and Catholics .
4 The story of gene transfer science is not on the whole a tale of villainous practice .
5 Normally , increases or reductions in publishing output tend to be undramatic , but in the 1980s the numbers of new titles published annually have gone up very substantially indeed — increases not on the whole matched by additions to library bookfunds .
6 The sony has a touch too much Broadway slickness for my taste and , despite the presence of bigger name international stars , is not on the whole as well sung .
7 Considered as criticism , much of this is mere rudeness , but it does have the merit of introducing medieval comparisons : not on the whole good ground for a Manlove to fight a Tolkien on .
8 They do not on the whole deny a male bias in conventional English , but they pretend to object to change on purely linguistic grounds — for instance that one should not tamper with grammar , that nonsexist forms are unaesthetic or even , as a last resort , that willed changes in language destroy freedom of thought and usher in totalitarianism .
9 ‘ It 's wrong to be by yourself ’ is an American song , after all , and it is not on the whole a British sentiment .
10 Lord Armstrong wrote in his letter : ‘ We do not apply the arm 's length principle to the national museums and galleries , and we are not on the whole much troubled with allegations of political interference in curatorial or Museological policies … ’ .
11 Although the organized activists were not on the whole the very poor , the poorest joined the demonstration .
12 Some socialists but not on the whole the Fabians saw the continued decentralization of government to the municipalities as a desirable feature of future socialist society , providing a permanent check upon the growth or abuse of central authority .
13 The French writer Hippolyte Taine , in the not on the whole very friendly account he published of a journey to the Pyrenees in the middle of the last century , tells , all too vividly , an unpleasant story of a fourteenth-century mayor of Bayonne who tried to extend his jurisdiction up-river as far as the tide went , so as to stop Basque smugglers from defrauding him , and who tied a number of local Basque gentry to the arches of a bridge and watched the tide come up and slowly drown them .
14 The classical way Agatha Christie ( who did not on the whole write humorous crime stories ) managed this often will give you an idea of what to aim for .
15 Lord Herschell was angered by this idea and , says Professor Heuston , ‘ the High Court judges at that time , many of whom were Halsbury 's own appointments , were not on the whole notable for progressive views on social or industrial matters . ’
16 In direct percentage terms , school books do not on the whole reproduce current gender reality , let alone encourage flexible orientations regarding future career and role planning .
17 They were n't too bad , not on , not on the whole .
18 One is led to conclude from all this that despite some tactical ‘ victories ’ here and there , the British point of view with respect to policy in the EEC has not on the whole prevailed , any more than has its influence over the development of the institutional framework of the Community .
19 As far as the head of Southend was concerned , staff were not on the whole self-critical during the self-appraisal .
20 They are not on the whole involved in direct teaching and , second , each of them has to have a separate viewpoint because the focus of the job is mainly outside that of any school .
21 But the relation course-module is still not in second normal form because the attributes ‘ course-name ’ and ‘ level ’ are functionally dependent on ‘ course ’ only , and not on the whole of the key .
22 Wells concludes that " adolescents and adults , faced with a new linguistic environment , can adapt their speech to a certain extent by modifying the phonetic realisation of their phonemes ; but they do not on the whole succeed in acquiring new phonological oppositions or in altering the distributional constraints on their phonology " ( Wells 1973 : 118 ) .
23 The Caribbeans who came to London in the main waves of migration in the 1950s and early 1960s were not on the whole from the lowest social classes , although " the employment made available to West Indians was mainly menial and often of lower status than the jobs they had left behind them in the West Indies " ( Dalphinis 1991 : 46 ) .
24 Everyone experiences disturbing life events from time to time , and although they may cause a good deal of psychological distress , they can not on the whole be considered to have a deleterious effect on health .
25 He points out that when John uses that term in a negative sense it is with ‘ specific reference not to the whole of culture , but to a particular use of that culture by the forces of evil . ’
26 The body is a complex thing with many constituent parts , and to understand its behaviour you must apply the laws of physics to its parts , not to the whole .
27 We do n't on the whole mind the isolation until something happens to rock the applecart — a death , a loss , a crisis .
28 They are n't on the whole , though some will affect the needle of a compass brought up near to them .
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