Example sentences of "not [adv] [vb pp] upon " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Her pupils were not entirely decided upon by Miss Hatherby .
2 He pointed to the necessity of a reciprocal relationship , one that had ultimately to be beneficial to all participants , and not merely based upon value money exchanges but one that entailed an exchange of real use-values .
3 How they were used is not generally agreed upon , for , whilst the obverse of some of these cards — ‘ shopkeepers ' bills ’ as they were known by the eighteenth-century tradesmen — were sometimes utilized as an invoice to the purchaser , the majority surviving in public and private collections were not .
4 Moreover , writers such as Poulantzas ( e.g. 1978 ) pointed out that the state was not just called upon to meet the needs of capitalist accumulation ; in a class-divided society the long term stability of the system depended on the state 's being able to act as a force of cohesion and stand as a ‘ symbol of legitimacy ’ for all sections of society .
5 The meetings were informal and were not normally based upon consideration of specific statistical or financial reports , being instead discursive , impressionistic and somewhat gossipy .
6 A tragedy is often not solely enacted upon one individual but , because our lives do not exist alone in themselves but interact with others , circumstances can affect a whole mesh of other characters .
7 It is important to realize then that our symptoms , produced in response to stress , are not solely based upon the stress occurring at the given time , but upon all the stress accumulated in our stress glass over time .
8 Moreover , trust in Hitler was not simply based upon an early end to the war , but on an early victorious conclusion , and all the indications are that before late 1942 and early 1943 — centring around Stalingrad , the North African reverses , and the mounting allied air supremacy — only a minority of Germans ( around a third of the population according to American surveys carried out in 1945 ) were prepared to concede that the war was lost .
9 Anyone who throws a hat into a public arena must be prepared to have it mercilessly though not maliciously trampled upon .
10 Cyclic fluctuations in population numbers occur in many species of small mammal , and the exact role predation plays in the rise and fall of population numbers is not yet agreed upon ( Southern , 1979 ) .
11 We read that the apostles in Jerusalem sent Peter and John down to them and ‘ when they arrived , they prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit , because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them ; they had simply been baptised into the name of the Lord Jesus .
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