Example sentences of "not [verb] the door " in BNC.

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1 You can not answer the door ; take people 's coats ; circulate and generally be a good host/ ess , if you keep going into the kitchen .
2 He had not heard the door open .
3 She had not heard the door as it softly brushed the carpet .
4 So my mother calmly said , And I 'm not opening the door to you now or ever , she said .
5 It was n't polite of them not to answer the door , knowing that he was standing there , but it did n't really matter .
6 The watchman had been schooled in security and he had been told not to open the door under any circumstances .
7 It was no use waiting for Bella to answer her door : if it was one of her favourite programmes she would pretend not to hear the door bell .
8 ELIZABETH dreads to think what life would have been like if legal aid had not opened the door to court action after her husband was seriously injured in an industrial accident .
9 Meanwhile , Fletcher revealed he has not closed the door on David Gower 's Test career despite his absence from the tour party .
10 The Robemaker had not closed the door , but he had pushed it to a little .
11 Understand that you are not shutting the door on the one you loved , but you are shutting it on the negative force that lived — or still lives — within them .
12 You 're not shutting the door .
13 The cat , delighted that its ordeal was over , burrowed under the covers like a furry hot-water bottle , and although Mildred had only meant to sit and get warm , within a few minutes her eyelids began to droop , and before long she was fast asleep — so fast asleep that she did not hear the door opening very quietly .
14 Harry was so intent on his work that he did not hear the door open .
15 " An ambassador " , wrote a member of the staff of the Spanish embassy in London in the 1690s , " should be specially careful to maintain the authority of his position and assert his prerogatives , as for instance in not giving the door or the right hand to any minister or individual , whether of his own country or another …
16 If you space heat you can not leave the door open for your own comfort as you will be heating the garden and your tanks will chill .
17 At least the report did not shut the door to wider acceptance of the combined system , and the BDDA continued the fight with the publication of a critical report by its own working party on the " Lewis recommendations " .
18 Has he not shut the door ?
19 I will not open the door for you . ’
20 Enoch Gebler would not open the door .
21 ‘ I promise I will not open the door to any strange men . ’
22 But she did not open the door , or look into the passage .
23 But he did not open the door , because just then he heard a man 's voice in the room !
24 If Johann did not open the door , Fritz would come round to the other side of the castle to find me .
25 They could not open the door , so they climbed down from the roof and got in through the window .
26 But among all these doubts it had not occurred to her that if she got as far as 42b Milvain Street , and rang the bell , Edward would not open the door .
27 The MacMahon Act strained relations with Britain , but did not close the door entirely to limited atomic collaboration .
28 Do not close the door until the paint has thoroughly dried .
29 To no avail : my resolution was never called for debate and another , that if the SNP were to approach us with a view to talks ( an unlikely event after the Pollok by-election ) we would not close the door , was passed by a narrow majority .
30 It should be realised of course that this does not close the door on further delegation each year should indeed there be indication from the schools that they would so wish .
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