Example sentences of "[ex0] [vb mod] be [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , if a user desires information on asbestos roofing , there may be records for documents in the index that deal specifically with this topic which would be selected as highly relevant .
2 There may be honour among thieves , but there did not appear to be anything similar among social climbers .
3 Further , problems also result from political factors ; there may be disagreements over goals or outside interests , say governments or unions , trying to impose their own objectives .
4 Do you think you also were hitting the rawest of nerves within the church , and maybe within Archbishop McQuaid himself , by suggesting there may be homosexuality among priests and even implying that people could get pleasure from sex ?
5 There may be conflicts of interest between local management of a branch or subsidiary and the organisation as a whole ; or between sales and production departments in a manufacturing firm ( over scheduling , product variation etc ) ; or between trade unions and management .
6 There may be conflicts of interest between managers and shareholders , and the managers may have latitude to interpret the wishes of the owners and to pursue their own objectives .
7 In public bureaucracies there may be conflicts of interest between different levels of the hierarchy arising from the values which different strata bring to bear on the policies being pursued by the government .
8 Like other writers he points to the way in which political direction colours practice , and recognizes too that there may be conflicts within research itself , as there are amongst practitioners .
9 There may be subtleties of interaction below the soil surface of which we know little or nothing .
10 However , there may be difficulties in connection with aspects of data security , data communication , the provision of software , training and the organisation of advisory services .
11 Nevertheless , the large number of organisations involved and the fact that their activities are not centrally co-ordinated as in Northern Ireland , suggests that there may be scope for confusion or conflict between them .
12 No account of social policy making should disregard the potential influence of these ‘ good causes ’ , however much there may be scope for controversy about their real power in situations where interests are-in conflict .
13 When a local educational authority demands a policy statement on a particular issue ( eg in 1983–84 the ILEA required each school to produce a statement on racism ) there may be evidence on paper of a change in curriculum emphasis .
14 Potten et al are the first to point out that their findings are based entirely on the study of patients with colorectal cancer and , although the specimens used were taken at least 5 cm from the primary carcinoma and did not show any unusual histological features , there may be differences with respect to the colonic mucosa of patients without carcinoma .
15 As Table 1.4 showed , the ‘ duplication ’ of the universities and polytechnic/colleges in professional courses is more apparent than real , since certain types of professional courses are largely concentrated in one sector and there may be differences of emphasis between courses in the same subject .
16 Lord Diplock says that there may be differences of opinion as to what is expedient , just and moral , and that Parliament 's opinion on these questions is paramount .
17 In a televised speech on May 1 , Zia appealed for national unity , saying that " there may be differences of opinion in a democracy … [ but ] this is not the time for differences " .
18 A dissatisfied party may want to establish that the reference was made to an expert so that he can then sue the individual , or that the reference was made to an arbitrator so that he can appeal against the award : or again there may be differences in rights of enforcement prompting the claim that an arbitration was a reference to an expert , or vice versa .
19 There may be differences in interest rates between individuals ; indeed , this may be an important way in which endowments differ .
20 However , there may be differences in men 's and women 's speech ( vocabulary , topics , style ) , so that ideally you should use language helpers of both sexes when possible .
21 On certain specific issues there may be changes of emphasis .
22 There may be hope in secretaries . ’
23 There may be frequency of micturition and , in a proportion of cases , these symptoms may progress to acute retention of urine , when the hapless female finds it impossible to pass urine at all .
24 There may be variations in toxin levels with the season , and animals , in any case , eat different parts of plants with different levels of toxin and , at different stages of their own development , may be able to deal differently with such toxins .
25 Similarly , there may be variations in people 's experience of purchasing and using the product or service in question .
26 While there may be support among ICC members for the sub-continent bid , South Africa looked England 's most dangerous opponents .
27 I know there may be variation in degree as it were , according to which particular aspect of infrastructure you 're looking at .
28 The fact that there may be others in society who do not do so well need not even occur to the individual .
29 There may be problems on amount of material from certain things .
30 Mr Taylor added : ‘ We did warn him there may be problems at frontier controls . ’
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