Example sentences of "for someone [Wh pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I think these things were not common in those days and I was looking for someone who had great potential , and decided I 'd found it in David Bowie .
2 Even with his handiwork through me , I thought of the sadness inevitably awaiting the others ; yet I would have to pursue him , for someone who had three times seen murder as a solution to problems could n't be trusted never to try it again .
3 Both Victoria and Albert were delighted with the Emperor 's charm and amiability , but above all they were captivated by Eugènie ‘ the dear , sweet Empress ’ , though the Queen confided to the Emperor that she realized how difficult her role must be for someone who had not been brought up to it .
4 The worst bit was coming over the runway for the landing when I felt that I was no longer in control , but he made a perfect landing … a great landing for anyone , but incredible for someone who had never flown before . ’
5 He learned his trade and was reasonably competitive in an old car for someone who had no money for either equipment or spares .
6 Indeed , I wondered whether it was possible for someone who had not shared in their experience to pass physically through the white gateposts into the avenue , and attain the domain .
7 His only modern biographer suggests that he spent his last days in extreme poverty at an advanced age , an ironical end for someone who had accounted meticulously for the handling of millions of pounds and had been listed by name in an Act of Parliament .
8 That was quite enough for someone who had just admitted to disliking exchanges of confidence except to his intimates .
9 Not bad for someone who had just barn-stormed around after leaving college . ’
10 It was a good age for someone who had seen untimely deaths on all sides of her family .
11 Not bad for someone who had n't a ) played right back or b ) been a first team regular until this season .
12 ‘ I 'm looking for someone who had a baby here , twenty years ago , ’ said Juliet .
13 Nothing could have been more perfect for someone who had to work , but desperately wanted to enjoy the sunshine and activities of summer .
14 So you had to look for someone who had grown up with the idea that you could kill .
15 ‘ So we are looking for someone who knew his business . ’
16 Victoria says I have ‘ blind spots , quite amazing blind spots about the real world for someone who likes to think he is so aware ’ .
17 As Donnison says , ‘ The crucial needs arise from an unavoidable responsibility for caring for someone who depends on you ’ ; as Fairbairn says , ‘ Dependency is the key to women 's oppression .
18 The crucial needs arise from an unavoidable responsibility for caring for someone who depends on you .
19 How can a child or young person immediately grieve for someone who denies their existence in that way ?
20 FOR SOMEONE who wrote so little and whose chief recreation — picking up men -involved a high degree of furtiveness , J R Ackerley 's life is surprisingly well-documented .
21 But having said that surely Wilkinson could have kept him at the club , for someone who says that players are picked on the performances they produce how can he explain Deane ?
22 For example , a speaker might provide a summary for someone who wished to know what the intended relevance of the lecture was but who was only familiar with the subject at an elementary level .
23 That 's a tale for someone who tells tales .
24 On the whole for someone who takes some interest in serious music it was a worthwhile and memorable experience .
25 For someone who takes his belief that p to be justified is surely close to taking it that his belief tracks the truth of p .
26 There were other legits she might have bribed or bullied into a similar sharing , but the stairs and the other dusty corners of the World were safer for someone who lived by her knife and her wits .
27 Surely , a full life even for someone who lived to the advance age of 92 .
28 He argues that , by contrast with urban-industrial areas where occupation structures a person 's place in society , it is the ownership of land that shapes the rural social structure : the crucial consideration determining someone 's place in rural society is whether he or she owns land , or rents land , or works for someone who owns or rents land .
29 For someone who hates violence , ’ I agreed , ‘ you used force with great skill .
30 It may be quicker for someone who hears well to reply , particularly when they know the answer and the question is unimportant , but this must be avoided at all cost .
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