Example sentences of "[been] [adv] [verb] [prep] [det] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Erm the caravan sites act nineteen sixty eight er , paragraph fifteen did actually , I think address the provision government sites quite well , or it would have if it had actually been properly implemented in that there was a carrot and stick , there was stick or requirement
2 A new generation of a sell system has been successfully introduced into all our stores which integrates which integrates more closely the retailing distribution and manufacturing systems and raises the level of management information and control .
3 If there is regret over the failure of Resolution 242 as a blueprint for peace , which had seemed so promising in 1967 , there are grounds for even greater regret that the 1949 ( IVth ) Geneva Convention has not been vigorously upheld by those who claimed to be seeking a basis for peace .
4 The young Brunner had been greatly influenced by both his father 's liberal Unitarian teaching and his affectionate stepmother 's businesslike principles of household management .
5 Like many other academic initiatives , it seems to have gone largely unnoticed at the time , and its historical importance has been perhaps exaggerated by those who live between the covers of books , yet it illustrates that in Germany freedom is considered primarily as freedom from an occupying power , from external political domination .
6 He stared right into her eyes , and she thought that she had never been so enraged in all her life .
7 I have never been so humiliated in all my life .
8 And although this is conjecture , I feel it should be mentioned , if only because the primal mother-child relationship so highly emphasised in post-Freudian psychoanalytic literature has been largely ignored by those who have written about anorexia nervosa .
9 Tom McCormack , senior depute director of the Highways Department , has taken part and the initiative has been well supported by all our staff .
10 During the last fifty years the church musician as a kind of freelance ‘ general practitioner ’ has been increasingly replaced by those who derive their livelihood more as school music teachers than from their appointment as parish organists .
11 The examination papers written in Victoria 's large , even script were considered adequate ; her interview was unexceptional , although the examiners at Girton College recognised her at once as she had been universally described by all who knew her : an extremely pleasant girl of excellent character .
12 The train has been painstakingly restored to all its former glory , even down to its traditional wood-burning stoves and original post box .
13 Surprise is , of course , unfair in one special circumstance : when a prediction has been specifically encouraged by those who deliberately defeat it .
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