Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] to [be] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If we had won all the Tests but lost all the one-dayers , then it would have been considered to be a successful trip . ’
2 An unemployment rate well in excess of what had hitherto been considered to be a stable NAIRU was failing to produce sustained reductions in the rate of inflation beyond the initial impact effect of the fall in aggregate demand .
3 The electricity industry had always been considered to be a natural monopoly and plans to privatise it were preceded by lengthy discussions about the ideal structure for the industry .
4 Since 1948 , for example , the elderly have no longer been deemed to be the financial responsibility of their adult children or grandchildren .
5 It has been said to be a fundamental contradiction in the Weberian model of bureaucracy .
6 This is despite a major reduction in the proportion of calls performed by deputising services , the use of which had been said to be the main factor increasing the numbers of night visits .
7 The fact that a prominent member of the current community council and an integrated education supporter was a member of official Sinn Fein , the Workers ' party , appeared to figure in the reasoning , as this party has always been suspected to be an anti-clerical and secularist force .
8 Dictionary definitions constitute a valuable source of semantic knowledge , and the definitional overlap technique has been shown to be a suitable method for applying such knowledge .
9 Hotel leisure facilities have been shown to be a worthwhile investment in that they can :
10 The mythopoeic power of music has already been shown to be a decisive force in Greek literary history .
11 There is a famous sequence of " Going over the top " in the First World War which has been shown to be a staged sequence .
12 In addition to its biological activities in stimulating platelets and neutrophils , and enhancing vascular permeability , exogenous platelet activating factor has also been shown to be a potent ulcerogen , inducing extensive gastric mucosal damage and hamorrhage associated with septic shock .
13 The 1983 Conservative Party manifesto argued ( p. 37 ) that the six metropolitan county councils and the GLC had ‘ been shown to be a wasteful and unnecessary tier of government ’ .
14 Garlic extract has also been shown to be a valuable first line of defence against oral thrush .
15 Formation of clusters with unprimed T cells has thus been shown to be a functional feature of dendritic cells ; this may explain the striking appearance of S-100 protein + cells in Peyer 's patches , which are considered important sites for induction of primary immune responses .
16 This claim has been shown to be a considerable misstatement .
17 Cannabis Teenagers often insist that cannabis is harmless , but it has been shown to be a high risk for certain users .
18 RAP30 has been reported to contain a sequence homologous to region 1b and 2 of σ factors of bacteria , which has been shown to be a binding site for the core component of E.coli RNA polymerase and possibly for mammalian RNA polymerase II ( 19,40 ) .
19 However , linear precedence has been shown to be a significant factor affecting the manner in which words associate with each other [ Church & hanks , 1989 ] .
20 Such conditions , shown in Fig. 8.1 B and D , have been shown to be the main ones responsible for damaging marine structures .
21 This has been shown to be an effective and rapid method of training but it does require intensive supervision from an adult .
22 Collaborative problem solving has previously been shown to be an effective stimulus to individual learning in certain circumstances , using somewhat ‘ artificial ’ tasks .
23 The colon weight/body weight ratio was calculated as an increase in this ratio has been shown to be an accurate marker of colonic inflammation .
24 It is much more disconcerting that the CD4 count has been shown to be an unreliable indicator of the effectiveness of drug treatment in HIV infection .
25 A pair of researchers arrived at the extraordinary conclusion that fusion of deuterons could be achieved without the application of massive external energy , which had previously been thought to be an indispensable condition .
26 Some time later Philip wrote to say that , although he had not put his own name forward for consideration , he himself had been invited to be the official biographer and had accepted .
27 Human PGA has been known to be a complicated protein polymorphism .
28 The authorities ' earlier identification of Lembarek Boumaraaf as the assassin [ see p. 38981 ] was endorsed ; the commission confirmed that he had previously been known to be an Islamist sympathizer , but rejected as improbable the suggestion that he had acted alone .
29 The dipper , a small bird that feeds underwater in fast-flowing streams , has been found to be a good indicator of water acidity , Studies in Scotland by Dr Juliet Vickery of Oxford 's Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology found a clear correlation between acidity in a stream and dippers ' breeding success .
30 In many large series of critically ill patients sepsis has been found to be a major determinant of mortality .
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