Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] by [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These disciplines have been joined by many others from different fields , from Law to Business Studies , to Social Administration , to Gender Studies , to Forestry , Religious Studies and Natural Resources .
2 I have received no request for a statement , but the hon. Gentleman 's point of order will have been heard by those Ministers with responsibility for such matters .
3 A 13 year old boy from Kent described as ‘ borderline autistic ’ reported to his mother that he had been buggered by another pupil at his residential school .
4 Now , one member of the joint traffic management sub-committee who has been closely associated with all of these three issues is county councillor Tony and I must say , Mr Mayor that I am surprised to say the least by the way in which councillor appears appears to have been treated by some members of the labour party in this city .
5 It was a case that bothered him because he felt that in the Assize Court the unfortunate man 's chances had been wrecked by that fool of a cocky young barrister who had concocted an elaborate defence that gave a totally false impression of what had happened .
6 Yet signs are not wanting that the mental effort of doing so is one which will become more and more difficult as the memory of the distinct courts of Law and Equity dies out ; and perhaps already the unified jurisdiction of the High Court , and the statutes which have codified certain branches of Common Law and Equity , have produced some results which could hardly have been given by any combination of proceedings in the separate courts , or by the development of the law solely by means of cases decided in them .
7 That is best illustrated by the fact that a similar case has been referred by another GP in north Devon to the same unit in Birmingham .
8 The ability of a prime minister effectively to call a general election has been regarded by some writers as the most important weapon in ensuring parliamentary support .
9 Ritual has been regarded by several anthropologists as a social event in which pent-up emotions can find some form of release .
10 The British Isles have been conquered by all manner of people from the Vikings , to the Picts , the Celts , the Saxons , the Romans and the Normans .
11 An appeal by the Chairman to chambers for extra pupillage places was undertaken during May after a questionnaire had been completed by all students of the Inns of Court School of Law regarding their pupillage position .
12 Here we know that the enclosure of the open fields began in the 1570s , and had been completed by some date in the seventeenth century .
13 Wills , there has been no doubt of the widespread respect from all walks of life which has been earned by most Willses by the end of their lives .
14 She says her neighbour 's garden , always is a mystery here , her neighbour 's garden has been attacked by some kind of animal , she thinks nocturnal , there are small areas dug up from the garden , they are about three to four inches in diameter and about the same in depth , so it 's , it 's , it 's a little hole rather than the end of a tunnel it seems .
15 It is perhaps noteworthy that two chroniclers refer to the plague of 1361 as the pestis puerorum , the plague of the children , and if it is true that children in particular had perished in that outbreak , it could be that by the early 1370s the supply of labour was being reduced by a shortage of new recruits , particularly as the survivors of 1361 would also have been attacked by another outbreak in 1369 .
16 Recently this problem has been attacked by several companies including DataEase International with its DataEase Express for Windows package .
17 After four attempts to elect a Chair of the Ukrainian Council of Ministers , the outgoing holder of the post , Vitaly Masol , was re-elected on June 28 , despite having been blamed by some deputies during the election debate for the Ukraine 's current economic problems .
18 Alternate day prednisone was not often used , even though such treatment has been recommended by some gastroenterologists as routine maintenance treatment of Crohn 's disease .
19 The subject of art has for too long been considered by many teachers as a frill , — there it is on the time-table , a compulsory subject ; some schools give it a period a week , some a double period , and some even more .
20 What she does not do is believe for one moment that Rainbow has been possessed by some kind of demon .
21 Lodge himself , in his own admirable novels , has never been hampered by any lack of conviction that the language he employs is really about the social realities that he wittily records .
22 Indeed , it has been said by some professionals in the field that we are doing the students a disservice by attempting to break through their apathy since their main chance of happiness lies in their passive acceptance of traditional ‘ care ’ facilities .
23 A further point in relation to the accusation of the ethnocentricity of Freud 's assumptions about gender roles has been made by some people in the Women 's Movement , such as Kate Millet and Ann Oakley .
24 In fact , modern biblical scholars concur that the letter ascribed to Jude is of too late a date to have been written by any contemporary of Jesus .
25 The source at the magazine confirmed later : ‘ Paris Match has been approached and pictures of that nature have been seen by some members of staff .
26 Spencer coined the term ‘ survival of the fittest ’ and has been seen by some historians as the first of the ‘ social Darwinists ’ .
27 Moreover , the instinctual ( or ‘ drive reduction ’ ) model has been embraced by all shades of opinion , from the conservative moralist anxious to control this unruly force to the Freudian left ( Wilhelm Reich , Herbert Marcuse , Erich Fromm ) wanting to ‘ liberate ’ sexuality from its capitalist and patriarchal constraints .
28 Although there is no certain cause of the hemispheric pattern , it has been related by some researchers to the eruption last year of El Chichon in Mexico , and by others to a recurring cycle of drought and flood in the southern hemisphere .
29 Superficially , such a judgement would have been rather puzzling , given that adverbs , including adverbs of manner , normally can qualify the verb believe : ( 71 ) we must reluctantly believe what she says 4.8 The proposal to treat the adjectives of Sections 4.5 and 4.6 as if they were part of a modified subordinate clause is not of course a novel one ; notoriously , the postulation of modified subordinate clauses has been adopted by many writers in recent decades as a grammatical panacea for all manner of syntactic problems .
30 A clearing processing system has been adopted by each exchange for which LCH clears , except the metal exchange .
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