Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] [adv] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the cases that I have mentioned everything is in order — all the forms have been filled in and returned by the contractor , the work has been completed satisfactorily — but it is a long time before the cheque is processed and the contractor paid .
2 The back seat , its padding springing from the slashed plastic , had been ripped out and hurled to one side .
3 The coffin had been fastened down and lay on trestles , honey-coloured in the slanting light , awaiting its removal .
4 And for what reason had Sir Thomas Vaughan , his chamberlain , a man he trusted and respected above most , been marched away and imprisoned like a common thief ?
5 Make no mistake : nothing in the Bill will safeguard the interests of the employees of the Scottish Bus Group after it has been broken up and sold of , perhaps to the highest bidders .
6 So for example in a region of high productivity you may find very low concentrations of carbonate because it 's been stripped out and converted to skeletal material being used in photosynthesis .
7 First , the bidder does not have to deal with a series of forms of acceptance from accepting shareholders , making sure that they have been completed properly and dealing with any lost share certificates .
8 The building has been carpeted throughout and furnished with new blinds and new lino .
9 But joy of joys , the New Moon in Scorpio on the 29th and some stunning planetary aspects in early November should spark off some kind of personal revival and no matter how many times you have been let down or left in the lurch in the past , emotionally this can and ought to be one of the happiest times you have ever known .
10 At the end of the Gulf War , British Army authorities announced they would have to destroy all dogs which had been picked up and kept by British units in the war zone , but Dave and his colleagues decided they were n't going to let this cruel fate befall Des .
11 In addition , declaration forms were missing in some cases in the departmental libraries , or older forms had been torn off and replaced by new forms when full rather than being retained , thus losing the evidential value of the forms .
12 Other mornings it had been rolled up and put in a plastic case within minutes of my getting out of it .
13 The public sector of the economy has been rolled back and strikes in the public sector have been resisted .
14 The worst aspect of all , however , is the way in which poll tax penalties have been carried forward and retained in this council tax Bill .
15 This idea was the brainchild of Anna Coombes who , in 1988 , took over as gardener ; her work has been carried on and developed by her successor Linda Roberts since the beginning of 1990 .
16 Once the project has been carried out and shown to be successful , subsequent written or verbal reports can outline other uses of the microcomputer based in the school library , leading to the acquisition of a library based microcomputer or the reallocation of an existing microcomputer to the school library .
17 In particular , the silver picture plates of the Late Antique , examples of which have been collected together and published by the late Professor Toynbee and by Kenneth Painter .
18 At Ashington we can see the areas of ridge and furrow , part of which would be ploughed and planted with cereals and legumes in open fields , while the rest would be fallow and down to grass — this would have been fenced off and grazed by cattle and sheep .
19 Lim 's sources of information were seen to be much more effective than the Army 's compromised intelligence gathering network , as evidenced by the fact that four of the chief rebel officers captured since the coup attempt had been tracked down and arrested by the police .
20 If she had also left her name and address they could have been parcelled up and posted to her — but she had n't .
21 It had been opened up and re-stitched in a different coloured thread .
22 It should have been cleaned thoroughly and treated with stabilising solution .
23 By the end of 1910 , complete plans for a standard ambulance train had been drawn up and sent to all the main companies , all of whom agreed to supply one or more in the event of war , to the Wolverton Works specification .
24 The list had been drawn up and presented to Cristiani by the independent Truth Commission , with responsibility under the peace agreement for ascertaining who was responsible for human rights violations during the civil war ( 1980-1991 ) .
25 To solve the problem , either all the parties must co-operate after the dispute has arisen , which is inherently unlikely , or special clauses for the multi-party arrangements must have been drawn up and incorporated in each of the original contracts .
26 A Rota has been drawn up and issued to committee members for calling duties at the bingo sessions .
27 A Rota has been drawn up and issued to committee members for calling duties at the bingo sessions .
28 The carts had been washed down and polished for the day 's event .
29 ‘ All the great themes have been used up and turned into theme parks , ’ he bitterly complains .
30 The Firefly , owned by Jim Connell , of Gatley Drive , Maghull , had almost sunk by the time it had been towed in and hauled onto a slipway .
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