Example sentences of "[been] [art] [noun] for [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I have been working at the playgroup in Middleton St George for about seven years now , and I 've been the leader for about two .
2 Fracture porosity may also have been the reason for relatively good reservoirs in these regions of anthracite and meta-anthracite rank : these gas fields are situated in a W.N.W.-E.N.E. striking , weak structural zone at the northern margin of the Bramsche Massif which , according to Stadler and R. Teichmüller ( 1971 ) , is characterised by relatively late and deep reaching faults along with the ascendence of hydrothermal solutions and deposition of ore minerals were possible .
3 Still , it was the basis of a reformed act in 1913 , giving a revived inspectorate compulsory powers , which has been the basis for more effective protection ever since .
4 A quarter of a million pounds has been the motive for far worse crimes than the one you contemplated .
5 This means that members in the Republic of Ireland who are over twenty five years of age and have more than a three year no claim bonus have had no increase in premium for over three years and for all other policyholder there has been no increase for over two years .
6 ‘ Edinvar has been serving tenants for 20 years and Link has been a landlord for nearly 30 years , so we both have a long history of putting tenants first . ’
7 She had n't been a patient for over twenty years , since she 'd had the barrage of undignified tests and minor operations that had led to nothing but disappointment .
8 I regularly attend the AGM of the European Environmental Bureau , which my organisation , the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales , has been a member for over 10 years .
9 Yet Elizabeth had been a widow for over ten years , and her children were very nearly off her hands ; it is quite possible that her brief sojourn in the workhouse was part of an attempt to give her life a new direction and meaning — perhaps she was there as a helper , a visitor , a counsellor to those in need , or even as a missionary spreading the gospel of Christianity in general or that of the Lady Huntingdon 's Connexion in particular .
10 She told me she had been a ghost for nearly twenty years .
11 Joe had been a bookie for over twenty years , gradually moving into loan sharking .
12 He had been a soldier for almost all his life , but of late he had been a farmer in Normandy , drawn to the land of his enemies by a woman met by chance in the chaos of peace .
13 ‘ I know it 's wrong , Joe , when it 's been a tragedy for so many people , but it 's made life easier for us .
14 There had not been a crisis for about six months , though , so it was clearly time for one .
15 Having been a teacher for over 30 years it might seem strange that I should begin a book on primary education by reflecting on the significance of schooling .
16 I 've been an activist for over twenty years in this organization .
17 Mr Mates , a former Lieut Col in the Queen 's Dragoon Guards , was chairman of the Commons Select Committee on Defence and has been an MP for nearly 18 years .
18 MANCHESTER Laps has been an institution for almost 60 years .
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