Example sentences of "[been] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] in the " in BNC.

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1 These bonds , subtler and more difficult to observe and interpret , have been most extensively studied in the experimental herd of Camargue horses at Tour du Valat .
2 Form criticism has been most profitably used in the psalms and has revolutionized our understanding of them .
3 This philosophy finds expression in some recent social thought and has been most notably promulgated in the area of social services , producing on the far right a philosophy of welfare in which the care of family members is increasingly seen as a private problem , to be undertaken using family resources only , and to be underpinned only in extreme circumstances by a residual network of statutory services .
4 The technique has been most widely applied in the analysis of cytokine responses .
5 Equally , stagnation in the housing market has been most severely felt in the south east .
6 Indeed , the speaker would go further ; never in his experience had Britain been so ably represented in the councils of the Common Market .
7 Nowhere had a traditional culture 's response to the Western world been so completely reflected in the life of its railways and stations .
8 Earth sciences , because they had been so recently assessed in the UGC Earth Science Review , were excluded from this rating table , but the ratings for the category ‘ Other Physical Sciences ’ , for those Universities also listed in Table 3 , are :
9 They believed that this course of action was morally and politically desirable despite the fact that the manufacture of napalm did not generate much profit , that the company 's manufacturing facilities could have been more profitably employed in the manufacture of some other chemical , and that the company 's public image and recruitment activities were being damaged by the continued manufacture of napalm .
10 Some of its measures , such as those involving the sue of farmland for forestry or housing development , have been controversial , but measures to stimulate the growth of small rural businesses have been more generally welcomed in the countryside .
11 Sales to these consumers ( which had been more effectively restrained in the difficult 1940s ) rose more rapidly than those to domestic consumers in the first ten years of nationalisation .
12 My background could n't really have been more deeply rooted in the whims and cultures of tight-knit Devon and Cornwall .
13 A spokesman for Darlington police said both women had been fortunate not to have been more severely injured in the crash .
14 However its significance may gradually have been more fully appreciated in the 1960s as a series of papers and books provided at least four ingredients which emphasized the necessity to consider man in physical geography .
15 They could obtain compass information from the sun and stars , and it is indeed known that some seasonal migrators follow stellar patterns ; stellar orientation has been particularly well studied in the indigo bunting , a bird that inhabits North America .
16 Sources of jadeite have been particularly keenly sought in the British Isles and France , but without result .
17 They have been particularly badly hit in the current recession , not having the cash reserves and greater bargaining power with the banks that larger companies have been able to draw on , to ensure survival .
18 The fast-swimming Dall 's porpoise has been particularly hard hit in the North Pacific and hundreds of thousands of animals over the last 20 years have been entangled in the giant drift-nets of the salmon , squid , and tuna fisheries .
19 But then take a hospital series like Casualty which has been quite explicitly set in the context of a decaying health service .
20 It is possible that the beach on the exposed portions of the coast was originally much wider and that much of it has been destroyed by marine erosion at the present sea level , whereas it has been almost completely preserved in the narrow straits .
21 The problem has been yet further exacerbated in the modern age as compared with the patristic period by what one must see as the demise of the doctrine of the trinity and its replacement by a tritheism .
22 In Nigeria until very recently it has been very strongly reflected in the national syllabus guidelines and materials or derivatives are widely used at state level .
23 In fact the nature of the survey had been very carefully explained in the letter which accompanied each copy of the questionnaire .
24 Mandalay had been very badly damaged in the 1942 fighting and had hardly recovered .
25 The impact of the section has been very broadly based in the city , and for the first time we 've added for you in very brief terms , a Domiciliary Health information of just the total number of visits made by the city health care , erm and the level of work in terms of notices served , and prosecutions , note , going up in most of the sections , particularly their units they 're small numbers , but they are significant , just the same , and the table on the top of page forty-four , erm as I said earlier , I think we reached the highest level of insect complaints in the summer that we 've ever had to deal with , it 's very usual for us to deal with a thousand , over in the summer period , this time we dealt with sixteen hundred .
26 In the latter case the judge thought that the term " services " had been too narrowly construed in the past and that allowance should be made for the fact that a wife and mother does not work set hours and that she is in constant attendance on the home .
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