Example sentences of "[been] [adv] [vb pp] for [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Although plastic pipe has been widely used for wastes and drains , until recently it has not been suitable for hot water .
2 It is not true to say that a menstruating woman is unclean — she has a status of tameh , a word which has been wrongly translated for years as ‘ unclean ’ but which would be much better translated as ‘ impure ’ .
3 Nigeria 's rainforests have been so exploited for logs that the country now imports more hardwood than it exports .
4 The relatively cumbersome medium of microfilm has never presented the sort of opportunities now presented by digitisation , for bringing together collections of complementary material which have been physically separated for decades or even centuries .
5 Never has Carrick been more lost for words than when he was approached in the Headingley committee-room after close of play by Reg Kirk , a former Yorkshire chairman .
6 In addition to this ‘ before-and-after intervention ’ approach , there are other experimental designs which have been specially developed for teachers and therapists working in therapeutic settings .
7 In fact it has been carefully managed for centuries and was indeed enclosed in the late seventeenth century .
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