Example sentences of "[been] [verb] in [det] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It starts at the bottom line and scans across to ‘ see ’ what colours have been placed in this row of squares .
2 It does piss you off admittedly when scum are on so much , and I 've a sneaking feeling that Leeds have still not been forgiven in some parts of the press for being close enough to sneak the title when scum fucked up ( due to Fuckerson 's crap team selection ) .
3 It does not even follow that the research base should have been developed in any institution of higher education .
4 Despite these criteria , patients with biliary tract calculi have been included in several studies of primary sclerosing cholangitis .
5 He said redundancies had been reported in all sectors of industry , from textiles to manufacturing , from the media to transport .
6 Diseases similar to bovine spongiform encephalopathy have recently been reported in several species of domestic and zoo animals .
7 This ratio has been reported in several series of patients with malignant disease taking continuing oral doses of slow release morphine and having satisfactory levels of analgesia : in one series of 40 patients the mean plasma ratio was 5:1 and in another of 151 patients it was 4.5:1 ; in another 40 patients the ratio in the cerebrospinal fluid was 6:1 .
8 Since the beginning of 1990 , a total of 13 exploration and four appraisal wells have been drilled in that part of the United Kingdom sector of the Irish sea generally known as the Manx basin .
9 It has been emulated in many parts of the world , including Canada and Japan .
10 Using the equation above , the probability that a difference of this order has been missed in this series of experiments is less than 1% for both acid and pepsin .
11 Coloni received a message to say his mother had been injured in some sort of political disturbance in Valparaíso , so instead of cooking for us , he decided to go home .
12 An underlying hormonal element has long been suspected in many cases of malignant melanoma .
13 ‘ Both the settlers and the natives assured me ’ , wrote Gould , ‘ that they [ the bronzewings ] had suddenly arrived , and that they had never before been seen in that part of the country .
14 They have been seen in many countries of Europe and in America .
15 The paintings of the Thirties and Forties have not been seen in any sort of proper way and they are quite extraordinary , particularly that last group of interiors which Matisse painted between 1946 and 1948 .
16 In Yip Kai-foon the Privy Council rejected the solution which has been adopted in some jurisdictions of directing the jury to convict of the offence which they consider to be more probable .
17 The basic principles which have been adopted in these aspects of teaching which Sinclair mentions — ‘ specification of syllabuses , design of materials and choice of method ’ — have been drawn not from particular descriptions of the language but from ideas , assumptions , and beliefs about language in general .
18 Sovetskaya Rossiya , ten days later , acknowledged that publication of the letter had been inopportune ; this could not disguise the fact that there were profound differences in approach at leading levels of the party , which had been reflected in both sides of the exchange .
19 Baryte has been produced in several areas of Britain .
20 In Section 8–2 , we outline the one-sector equilibrium growth model that has been used in most treatments of the dynamic effects of taxation .
21 One type of ‘ natural ’ matching has been used in some studies of identical ( I ) ( about 1 in 5 ) and non-identical ( N ) twins .
22 The depth and extent of this understanding have been shown in some work of exceptional quality and insight .
23 Purulent staphylococcal infection in the lungs has been noted in many cases of metastrongylosis .
24 Although Said rejects them , and Foucault characteristically does not mention them , the most effective ploys that have recently been played in this project of articulating another form of knowledge , of redefining the basis of knowledge as such , derive from a different although related body of work to that which Foucault describes — namely the phenomenological tradition of Heidegger , Levinas , and Derrida , which , seemingly like all twentieth-century European philosophy , also traces its apparent origins back to Husserl .
25 ( Common sense reminds us that given the distribution of women in employment in Edinburgh , most of the mothers probably were or had been employed in some form of domestic service or in the clothing industry ; but in what proportions ? )
26 Up to five different toxin genes have been found in some strains of Bt and up to four different genes have been found on the same plasmid .
27 No clear cut distinction has been found in most forms of bivariate plot .
28 The refugees also claimed that water and electricity supplies had been cut in some parts of Kuwait City but not in others .
29 gone into and everybody had been trained in this sort of team briefing system .
30 On the production side , the mark-up may be determined to achieve a post-tax target ( as has been assumed in some versions of the cost plus pricing rule ) ; and in this case the price , and hence the output , of the corporate sector would be affected .
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