Example sentences of "[been] [verb] [prep] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Shells which have been gathered from all over the seashore .
2 All the Okapi work has been done on systems which have been developed at least to a point where they are reliable and complete enough to be installed in a library unattended .
3 This has been referred to previously in the text , but there are two additional points to note .
4 The report has been referred to twice as the County Council report .
5 Responses have been received from all over the country , and in geographical terms , can regarded as broadly representative .
6 Underlying this change in public consciousness were fundamental changes in women 's lives : family size had been shrinking since early in the century ; and more women , especially married women , were in paid work .
7 It was the decaying thatched cottage known as Gilbard 's which stood at the top of Lime Street in Stowey , and which had been occupied until then by a widow called Elizabeth Rendell .
8 You 'd 've been better off to have been booked in here for a good night 's sleep and then driven up the next day but then you 're virtually sort of getting up there turning round and coming back are n't you ?
9 At the time of the explosion , he had been trapped at least by the legs in a corner where his shoes were found and some debris had fallen on him .
10 In the Czech Lands Civic Forum won about half the total votes , and in Slovakia PAV emerged as the clear winner , although the latter had been expected until shortly before the election to come second to the CDM .
11 BELT UP With Marie Pisa Snow 's collection of Western-style belts , hat bands , boot and guitar straps made from the finest matt black Rolls Royce car leather They 've been collected from all over the world and have been wrapped around the waists of stars such as Tom Jones , David Bowie and Tina Turner 's tour band .
12 He also spearheaded a £180,000 project to provide an art and resource centre Menro House and his advice on musical drama for the handicapped has been sought from all over the UK .
13 The usual reaction was confusion , followed by a claim that a ‘ mistake ’ had been made in not including a negative in the utterance .
14 Aware as we are these days of groups and their many uses , little exploration has been made until recently of the group as a context for spiritual direction .
15 A log fire crackled in the hearth and two capped braziers had been moved in just inside the door .
16 It would have been nice to have had somebody so that they could have been turned on together by the faint giggles and murmured conversation coming from upstairs .
17 The Missa Papae Marcelli of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina ( C. 1525–1594 ) , then master of the chapel at St. Maria Maggiore at Rome , may well date from this time and have been accepted at once as an embodiment of the Tridentine ideal but there is no evidence that it was the unique exemplar of the legend .
18 Arab immigrants to the United States have been drawn from all over the Middle East .
19 Instead , the Chambers villa has been sold on separately to a local construction company .
20 But from the look of his clothes it would n't seem that he 'd been jostled about much by the tide .
21 This was a completely separate fighting unit , part of the Wehrmacht/Waffen SS armies , and one of the seven army- Corps under Gen Loehr 's Army Group E. It had originally been established in March 1943 under German command , when Cossacks of military age had been summoned from all over the occupied USSR to Kherson on the Dnieper .
22 The policeman pulled his cap straight and said in a very careful , very patient voice , ‘ Who you been staying with here in the area ? ’
23 He 'd have been retired by now on a modest pension leading a life of genteel poverty in Brighton or Torquay .
24 He could have flown by private jet to an East Anglian airfield , been driven from there to the heliport , boarded the chopper and flown to the manor .
25 Although during the winter there had been no running water this had been restored at least in the centre of the town .
26 It i it is I appreciate er a difficult er course now to steer between approaching head-on an objection which is a late objection and dealing by er reference to obliquely perhaps to matters that have been dealt with elsewhere to the question of washing-over , but I 'm sure that you can steer this particular course or cross this particular tightrope with success .
27 It can be seen that when the theory of road use charging , which has been spoken of exhaustively over the last few years , is translated into practical application , many problems will arise .
28 This is usually because they have not been adjusted correctly , something has loosened in use or they have not been put on correctly in the first place .
29 By mistake I had been put through not to the hospital but to a psychiatric ward .
30 " Of course , he could have been put in somewhere on the flood and been carried upstream and then down again .
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