Example sentences of "for [art] county [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was a move that clearly suited him for the following season he was picked for the county squad .
2 … to the Right worshipful Justices of the Peace and quorum for the County pallatyne of Lancaster
3 In the first division the top two teams would play off at Twickenham for the county title .
4 He probably accepts that the ultimate accolade for the county cricketer will now remain inaccessible .
5 Yet , property taxes on Pocahontas-Kentucky 's surface land hardly yield enough to buy a bus for the county school system , and the $76 the county receives as payment on the mineral rights would not buy the bus a new tyre to replace the one worn out on the county 's unpaved and rough coal-hauling roads . ’
6 Yes , the difference of course is that in two day cricket you ca n't necessarily guarantee a result er and forcing wins was what we did n't quite manage to do , it was er it was a season of what might have been for the County Cricket Club er a very good season but not quite as successful as last year .
7 At 4–1 for the County Championship , Essex look like solid bankers and the 6- 1 with Chandler to win the NatWest also looks an attractive bet .
8 In summary , the bets of the season at the time of writing were Kent at 40–1 to win the Benson & Hedges , Essex for the County Championship at 4–1 and the NatWest at 6–1 , and Durham at 40–1 to win the Sunday League Bon chance .
9 Chelmsford , hoping to preserve National League status , have to compete in the arduous relegation play-offs , while Essex need players for the County Championship campaign .
10 At country level , for the county unit .
11 At present valuations , the figure being asked is around three times the price valuers working for the county council expect for common land with ancient rights over it …
12 ‘ As for the County Council 's wish for the WHR freehold , we believe the course suggested by the High Court for the Ffestiniog Trust to seek the Amending Order is the best safeguard for the future of the WHR , and we have made it clear to the Council that we would respect their wishes concerning footpaths , cycle tracks and so on . ’
13 The Conservatives ' best hope for the county council elections , held on the same day , was to contain losses .
14 A spokesman for Essex County Council , which is responsible for social services supporting the elderly , handicapped and those on low incomes , said it was impossible for the county council to comment on something political .
15 Well now the third factor , Greater York , has probably been the single most important planning issue for the county council and the Greater York districts over the past ten years .
16 We must please be clear about those factors which actually matter , always bearing in mind that it is for the county council in the first instance and perhaps for the panel in the second instance , to take a decision about the suppression of past migration trends .
17 Er our general response is is that the approach for the County Council is is to be commended erm i in terms of I think , interpreting the true spirit of of of government guidance in in plan making , that erm the the the the discussion about figures is but one consideration .
18 It would take place in a different context , nevertheless there would be that opportunity and no doubt the adequacy of a public consultation exercise at the proposed modification stage would be a matter for the County Council themselves to decide .
19 And that is that in the projections of housing requirements for the City of York , not Greater York but the City of York , the County Council have a figure of four thousand four hundred households extra , but propose a provision of only three thousand three hundred dwellings extra , that 's purely within York , and the question really therefore for the County Council is I had thought that their dwelling requirements , that their , sorry their their policy H One figure for York was what they thought the requirements were , but maybe it 's what they think the limited capacity is , and they are foreseeing an overspill of thousand odd from the city of York into Greater York .
20 Erm , what other rational is there behind this definition , the reason this matters is th you will remember the Chairman 's opening remarks when we started on matter two , that it seemed from the debate we had yesterday there was room within the county for the County Council 's proposed level of housing provision
21 This is within , as members will be aware , the overall financial position that the County Council finds itself in , of having to get its expenditure within the cap , and the fact that the increase in cap for the authority as a whole , does not in any way , mirror the increase in standard spending assessment for Social Services Committee , where we have been fortunate in terms the increase for this county , erm , and a variety of other factors which , which mean that it would be nice to think that where S S A increases for this Committee , it also increases for the County Council .
22 If it becomes a question for the County Council to actually refund it then I think the report is right in that we must consider whether the needs for traffic calming here are any m higher or lower than other requests for traffic calming elsewhere in the county because you will be aware there are an awful lot of requests for traffic calming .
23 I vote that this a good point other activities for the County Council in a few years that you that you will find er people anxious to support , thank you gentlemen
24 But I mean , you are being totally unrealistic in putting a budget forward , of three hundred and eighty one million er , for the County Council .
25 Or is there an area which you would get into on the question of whether how hard we should struggle before we er , do that sort of thing , or whether it 's purely a matter for for the County Council
26 Well , I , seriously , Mr Chairman , conservative group for the County Council of Westminster is a lot better than it is .
27 It 's been accepted that these are credit arrangements under the local government Planning and Land Act , so therefore , it is not unreasonable to argue that borrowing will not represent a new departure for the County Council in terms of being able to control capital spending .
28 Briefly , Chairman , yes , I I fully note that the County Council will encourage younger women , especially to come forward , er especially to higher grades as they are under represented er , I think there 's hope in the future because college and universities are now more what were considered male dominated territory , more and more women are coming forward , and inevitably by sheer weight of numbers in the years to come they will be er , they will come forward , and I 'm sure we will find on a say , chief officers for the County Council .
29 I did find the discussion interesting and illuminating , er it 's gon na be a difficult task and I think that task for the County Council and certainly three of the district councils , starts on Monday afternoon .
30 And the Borough Council as agents for the County Council has done what they can to offset problems and the scope for further measures is limited .
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