Example sentences of "[Wh adv] we [vb mod] [vb infin] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Work continues whenever we can muster a gang of at least two , which is quite often .
2 This letter outlines how we may assist a client with an acquisition search in the UK .
3 This example letter outlines how we may assist a client with an acquisition from overseas , involving acquisition search , targeting , approach and completion .
4 This example letter outlines how we may assist a client with an acquisition , involving acquisition search , targeting , approach and completion , ie a full deal management service .
5 It is far from clear how we can compare a situation of living with one of absence of sensation and life itself .
6 and wondering how we can do a job for two thousand four hundred and fifty , when according to the experts in the field it was gon na cost fourteen and a half thousand pounds .
7 I should very much like the opportunity to discuss with the hon. Gentleman and his hon. Friends , and other colleagues from Northern Ireland , how we can introduce a strategy for promoting inward investment over a longer time scale than that hitherto adopted .
8 A DTI spokesman said : ‘ We will be talking to councils about how we can produce a set of figures that 's more acceptable to everybody . ’
9 Now if there is no problem why on earth do we have to put that sort of that sort of work by officers erm , in , in to action erm , so between the , if I understand Labour 's position now Chairman , between the twenty fifth of August and the twenty eighth of September , we have now gone from accepting the problem and seeing how we can solve a number problem to saying that there is no no number problem and that everyone is cooking the books .
10 How we could get a message through about the boy here .
11 I wonder when we might arrange a meeting to talk over old times ?
12 George Underwood : ‘ We had periods when we would bring a guitar into school , particularly when it was raining .
13 You do n't know when we 'll get a day like this again .
14 We thought it was the time when we could make a gesture in return . ’
15 There is always a moment in time when we can make a decision whether or not to vent our anger .
16 Instead we are living in a time when we can watch a TV ad which tells us that cars which are way beyond the range of most people 's pockets are being ‘ handbuilt ( somewhere else ) by robots ’ .
17 ‘ They want to know when we 'd have a bed .
18 ‘ Well I know where we 'll get a drink — and enjoy a sight better company than we 'd have got back there . ’
19 Then we would move to a training ground in the foothills of the Alps at Canjuers , where we would spend a month away from the regiment and the barracks , and learning the basics of fieldcraft , tactics and shooting , and where we would spend a lot of time living outside as self sufficient soldiers .
20 We enquired at the bar as to where we might find a sailmaker .
21 There was talk before the start of the competition having become more intense ; of the gap between McLaren and the rest having been reduced to the point where we might have a race on our hands .
22 Do you know where we can get a fix ? ’
23 That 's why we must have a plan . ’
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