Example sentences of "[Wh adv] she [modal v] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And then she thought of how she might find an answer to some of her questions .
2 Cleo had never really thought about how she might spend the money , other than considering it to be insurance against the unlikely events of Wakelate either casting her off or dying and leaving her penniless .
3 In theory , this time lag between people 's shame at Thatcherite indecency and the potential emergence of a Majorish ( oh , how she would hate the word ) conservative public culture , gives Labour its chance .
4 A paralysing lassitude was engulfing her and she wondered how she would muster the energy to rise from her chair , walk across the drawing-room , climb the stairs , remove her outer garments .
5 But when Eliot asked how she would get the keys to the desk , she realized her suggestion had been useless : she had forgotten that Maureen had taken them from her .
6 She made a joke of it , saying she had given Heather all the most exclusive matchbooks in her collection , that it was ironic how she 'd become a slave to her sister 's hobby . ’
7 I do n't know how she could manage the stairs
8 The realization that she was working for Hauser was opening new horizons for her , but she 'd not had time to work out how she could exploit the knowledge .
9 She asked if he could suggest how she could contact an MP .
10 I do n't see how she can do the hours , with the hours that she 's doing , I mean she 's still in the Penny Farthing when I came here cos I went to pay her the money .
11 A BRITISH woman is waiting to hear how she can reclaim a family estate deep inside the former Soviet Union .
12 It is difficult to disagree , or to see how she can overcome the problem .
13 It baffled her as to why she should feel a tingle in her veins just because Piers Morrison was lying only a few inches away from her .
14 why she should grant the interview .
15 So even if Lisa made up the deliveries , there was no reason why she should make the connection .
16 Her father has to sleep in the same room since he has to attend to her during the night when she may need a bed pan up to four times .
17 Brenda Pridmore , recently appointed Clerical Officer/receptionist at Hoggatt 's Laboratory , pushed the marmalade across the breakfast table and began methodically slicing thin strips from the white of her fried egg , postponing , as she had from early childhood , that cataclysmic moment when she would plunge the fork into the glistening yellow dome .
18 The Lost Leader , of course , had not the remotest interest in sport , although she is said to look back wistfully to those distant Lincolnshire days when she would clasp the hand of Alderman Roberts as together they watched the bear-baiting .
19 Held back for a long time by wild hitting , she has accepted in the last 12 months that there are occasions when she must suppress the urge to attack everything flat out .
20 Tess bravely made a little cross and put it at the head of the grave one evening , when she could enter the churchyard without being seen .
21 Gwen Evans would n't bother with a kid like that , not when she could have the pick of the men in this room .
22 There is no doubt she feels that she has paid a high price for her royal life and looks forward to the day when she can spend a weekend in Paris or , as she says , ‘ I can run along a beach without a policeman following me ’ .
23 Passing the imposing facade of Ixmar 's wife Aufiria 's fane , she hurried up the wide paved road that led to Candlegate , a rich area where she would find the De Belving estate .
24 The hut roof was fairly whole now , and she had built a tiny hearth under the highest part of the roof where she might risk a fire .
25 She was glad to reach the door of the Seven Stars where she could rest the bag , though she was screwed up with fear that Garty might pop out of some alley , or Samson erupt like a volcano from the bowels of the tavern .
26 She would even extend her fancy into the shops she visited , seeing them as markets where she could choose a fish by the brightness of its eye , a chicken by its stiff yellow claws and plump breast , or pick out tangerines with the leaves still on them .
27 ‘ It was partly the Welshness of it all which appealed to her — the wool is grown , spun , woven and made up here in Wales , but it was also her feeling that in the commercial life everything was grab , grab , grab and here was a little corner of the world where she could do a bit of good . ’
28 The tall dark girl got off the London train and as she passed through the barrier at Stowerton station she asked the woman collecting tickets where she could get a taxi .
29 So she went instead to the place that advertised on the tube that it helped you if you were pregnant ; she thought there might be the small chance that they would know where she could get an abortion .
30 but but , you see , I am told that she 's going to live next door to the , where she used to live the doctor 's house er er unless
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