Example sentences of "[Wh adv] it be [vb pp] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dollard et al. ( 1969 ) are generally credited with the formulation of the ‘ frustration-aggression hypothesis ’ whereby it is held that the obstruction of goal-oriented behaviour leads necessarily to aggression .
2 The suggestion made to the Argyll interest was that an order from the Board of Customs should be sent to Wigtown demanding the attendance of these officers in Edinburgh on the day of election , whereby it was hoped that a party of Lord Galloway 's enemies might carry the day .
3 Regina v. Visitors to Lincoln 's Inn , Ex parte Persaud On an application for judicial review made pursuant to leave granted by Rose J. on 17 September 1991 , the applicant in the second case , Norman Persaud , a barrister , sought inter alia , an order of certiorari to quash an order made by the Visitors to Lincoln 's Inn on 31 July 1991 whereby it was held that the applicants ' petition of appeal , dated 28 September 1990 , from the findings and the sentence of the disciplinary tribunal of the Council of the Inns of Court be dismissed .
4 In the alternative , however , they contended that the payments by Woolwich had been made pursuant to an implied agreement between Woolwich and the revenue whereby it was agreed that the revenue would hold the sums pending the outcome of proceedings to determine the validity of the relevant regulations , and that any entitlement of Woolwich to repayment arose on the date of the first judgment of Nolan J. with the effect that interest ran only from that date .
5 It is intended for all levels of user , however it is assumed that the reader is familiar with LIFESPAN and its operation .
6 It is intended for all levels of user , however it is assumed that the reader is familiar with LIFESPAN and its operation .
7 The User Guide is intended for all levels of user , however it is assumed that the reader is familiar with LIFESPAN and its operation .
8 However it was felt that a more even balance would be sought in future .
9 However it was held that the benefit from the 1986 contract was not outstanding as the customer had chosen to place earlier contracts worth $75 million for non-patented display units despite being fully aware of the invention 's existence and capabilities .
10 However it was agreed that the setting up of programmes could bring many benefits to a parish if it was seen as a partnership between priests and people .
11 Recruitment to any organisation must be an ongoing process , however it was thought that a concerted effort should be made by CPRW in 1992 to significantly increase membership .
12 Recruitment to any organisation must be an ongoing process , however it was thought that a concerted effort should be made by CPRW in 1992 to significantly increase membership .
13 Newly qualified nurses are expected to receive an orientation and induction programme appropriate to their appointments , followed by a consolidation period for a minimum period of three months , when it is recommended that a few hours each week be set aside for learning periods either with other newly qualified staff or as self-directed learning .
14 This was when it was decided that the massive Slochteren field in Groningen province should be seen primarily as a reserve for the future .
15 The coup-de-grace was administered by the Council in October 1960 , when it was decided that the cost of relaying the Squires Gate route could not be justified , and it would close in October 1961 .
16 MY favourite story about original Blue Peter presenter Christopher Trace , who sadly died last week , was when it was decided that the show 's pesky dog Petra should have a litter .
17 There was another twist to the tragedy yesterday when it was revealed that a chemical spill threatened to poison one of the nation 's scarce drinking water supplies .
18 The Department of Health was alerted last year when it was revealed that the mother of one child , aged just two and a half , had made purchases without prescription from Mr O'Reilly 's pharmacy .
19 Later when we were enjoying a beer with the station commander were we nearly disposed of when it was announced that the Stirling had clobbered a Coles crane , an ambulance , several minor vehicles and the CO 's Humber .
20 The Cornish Rex was discovered in 1950 when it was noticed that a cat with the unusual name of Kallibunker did not have normal feline fur .
21 The Company had been under an obligation to complete the line by 15 August 1905 , but obtained an extension of time when it was discovered that the power supply from Beckenham would not be ready until I April 1906 .
22 Mr Runciman said the first warning of problems came in August when it was realised that a major contract expected in the first half of the financial year was not going to materialise .
23 It was only when it was sold that the bank began to face up to its other problems , ’ said one former executive .
24 That letter was placed before a planning sub-committee on 17 March 1983 , when it was resolved that the matter should be referred to the works committee .
25 The SAARC council of ministers met in the Maldives on July 3-4 , 1991 , when it was agreed that the sixth SAARC summit would take place in Sri Lanka in November 1991 .
26 Hughie 's hopes were raised last year when it was suggested that a replica of one of Captain Cook 's ships , either Endeavour or Resolution , should be built in Indonesia and brought back to Whitby as a permanent reminder of the feats of the town 's most famous son of the sea .
27 ( A claim by the US military that 50 kg of cocaine had been discovered in a house used by Noriega for voodoo rituals was retracted on Jan. 22 when it was admitted that the substance was in fact tamales , a central American foodstuff , wrapped in banana leaves .
28 This drug was discovered in the 1940s when it was found that the omission of certain fresh foods , including greens from the diet of chicks results in the development of ulcers .
29 The first skirmish over the national security issue came at a closed hearing on Jan. 11 when it was reported that the prosecution had accused the lawyer of one of Noriega 's co-defendants of improperly disclosing classified information when making an earlier request for access to National Security Council records .
30 The mountain before them was the birthplace of mankind ; and he referred the ladies , while excusing himself with an ingratiating laugh for mentioning an indelicate subject , to the authority of Our Saviour 's words to Nicodemus , where it is stated that a man can not enter a second time into his mother 's womb and be born once more .
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