Example sentences of "[Wh adv] it be [vb pp] [that] the " in BNC.

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1 Dollard et al. ( 1969 ) are generally credited with the formulation of the ‘ frustration-aggression hypothesis ’ whereby it is held that the obstruction of goal-oriented behaviour leads necessarily to aggression .
2 Regina v. Visitors to Lincoln 's Inn , Ex parte Persaud On an application for judicial review made pursuant to leave granted by Rose J. on 17 September 1991 , the applicant in the second case , Norman Persaud , a barrister , sought inter alia , an order of certiorari to quash an order made by the Visitors to Lincoln 's Inn on 31 July 1991 whereby it was held that the applicants ' petition of appeal , dated 28 September 1990 , from the findings and the sentence of the disciplinary tribunal of the Council of the Inns of Court be dismissed .
3 In the alternative , however , they contended that the payments by Woolwich had been made pursuant to an implied agreement between Woolwich and the revenue whereby it was agreed that the revenue would hold the sums pending the outcome of proceedings to determine the validity of the relevant regulations , and that any entitlement of Woolwich to repayment arose on the date of the first judgment of Nolan J. with the effect that interest ran only from that date .
4 It is intended for all levels of user , however it is assumed that the reader is familiar with LIFESPAN and its operation .
5 It is intended for all levels of user , however it is assumed that the reader is familiar with LIFESPAN and its operation .
6 The User Guide is intended for all levels of user , however it is assumed that the reader is familiar with LIFESPAN and its operation .
7 However it was held that the benefit from the 1986 contract was not outstanding as the customer had chosen to place earlier contracts worth $75 million for non-patented display units despite being fully aware of the invention 's existence and capabilities .
8 However it was agreed that the setting up of programmes could bring many benefits to a parish if it was seen as a partnership between priests and people .
9 This was when it was decided that the massive Slochteren field in Groningen province should be seen primarily as a reserve for the future .
10 The coup-de-grace was administered by the Council in October 1960 , when it was decided that the cost of relaying the Squires Gate route could not be justified , and it would close in October 1961 .
11 MY favourite story about original Blue Peter presenter Christopher Trace , who sadly died last week , was when it was decided that the show 's pesky dog Petra should have a litter .
12 The Department of Health was alerted last year when it was revealed that the mother of one child , aged just two and a half , had made purchases without prescription from Mr O'Reilly 's pharmacy .
13 Later when we were enjoying a beer with the station commander were we nearly disposed of when it was announced that the Stirling had clobbered a Coles crane , an ambulance , several minor vehicles and the CO 's Humber .
14 The Company had been under an obligation to complete the line by 15 August 1905 , but obtained an extension of time when it was discovered that the power supply from Beckenham would not be ready until I April 1906 .
15 It was only when it was sold that the bank began to face up to its other problems , ’ said one former executive .
16 That letter was placed before a planning sub-committee on 17 March 1983 , when it was resolved that the matter should be referred to the works committee .
17 The SAARC council of ministers met in the Maldives on July 3-4 , 1991 , when it was agreed that the sixth SAARC summit would take place in Sri Lanka in November 1991 .
18 ( A claim by the US military that 50 kg of cocaine had been discovered in a house used by Noriega for voodoo rituals was retracted on Jan. 22 when it was admitted that the substance was in fact tamales , a central American foodstuff , wrapped in banana leaves .
19 This drug was discovered in the 1940s when it was found that the omission of certain fresh foods , including greens from the diet of chicks results in the development of ulcers .
20 The first skirmish over the national security issue came at a closed hearing on Jan. 11 when it was reported that the prosecution had accused the lawyer of one of Noriega 's co-defendants of improperly disclosing classified information when making an earlier request for access to National Security Council records .
21 They usually involve a combination of the following organisational arrangements : ( 1 ) The physical separation of the various departments , often extending to matters of detail such as dining arrangements ; ( 2 ) An educational programme normally recurring to emphasise the importance of not improperly or inadvertently divulging confidential information ; ( 3 ) Strict and carefully defined procedures for dealing with a situation where it is considered that the wall should be crossed and the maintaining of proper records where this occurs : ( 4 ) Monitoring by compliance officers of the effectiveness of the wall , including the monitoring of employee trading ; and ( 5 ) Disciplinary sanctions where there has been an improper breach of the wall .
22 No stamp duty will be payable if the consideration for the latter is less than £60,000. ( b ) Completion of the abstract In those cases where it is recited that the wife has married the new husband , a marked copy of the marriage certificate or marked abstract thereof should be placed with the title documents ( Precedents 34 and 38 ) .
23 As for cases where it is claimed that the A line contains the more specific term , here also the existence of " automatism " may be doubted .
24 The European Convention on Human Rights With the challenge to the extra-legal procedures having failed in the English courts , the matter was referred to Strasburg where it was argued that the British practice violated Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights which provides that everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life , his home , and his correspondence .
25 This myth was later popularized by Martínez Mariana 's Teoría de las Cortes , where it was argued that the destruction of medieval Cortes by the Hapsburgs , a destruction completed by the suppression of the comunero rebellion of Padilla ( 1520 ) , was the necessary prelude to three hundred years of ‘ slavery and despotism ’ .
26 We did n't routinely measure or weigh our bladder tumours over this time , erm we have excluded any patient , any patient where the weight was recorded to be over ten grammes , and similarly any patient wh where it was recorded that the diameter was greater than three centimetres .
27 A similar interpretation was evident in Bone v Seale where it was accepted that the test of a public health nuisance was ‘ whether it caused risk of infection ’ .
28 The following factors are among those which are taken into account : ( 1 ) the length of the previous tenancy or tenancies ( Betty 's Cafes Ltd v Phillips Furnishing Stores Ltd [ 1957 ] 1 Ch 67 at 88 ) ; ( 2 ) any period during which the tenant has held over pending resolution of his application ( London and Provincial Millinery Stores Ltd v Barclays Bank Ltd [ 1962 ] 1 WLR 510 ) ; ( 3 ) the landlord 's intentions as regards his own occupation of the property ( Wig Creations Ltd v Colour Film Services Ltd ( 1969 ) 113 SJ 688 where it was held that the new tenancy should expire shortly after the landlord would become entitled to rely upon s30(1) ( g ) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 ) ; ( 4 ) the prospects of redevelopment of the property ( Reohorn v Barry Corporation [ 1956 ] 2 All ER 742 ; London and Provincial Millinery Stores Ltd v Barclays Bank Ltd ) ; ( 5 ) the balance of hardship , and the relative bargaining positions of the parties ( Upsons Ltd v Robins ( E ) Ltd [ 1956 ] 1 QB 131 ; Amika Motors Ltd v Colebrook Holdings Ltd ( 1981 ) 259 EG 243 ) ; ( 6 ) the tenant 's business needs ( CBS ( United Kingdom ) Ltd v London Scottish Properties Ltd ( 1985 ) 275 EG 718 ) .
29 The position is now somewhat alleviated by the case of Rowlands ( Mark ) Ltd v Berni Inns Ltd [ 1985 ] QB 211 where it was held that the intention of the parties to the lease was that the landlord 's claim would be against the insurers under the insurance policy and that the landlord would not have a claim against the tenant for breach of covenant , to the effect that there was no claim to which the insurers could be subrogated .
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