Example sentences of "[Wh adv] he was [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When he got home , his mother rushed him to the Royal Infirmary , wherein he was kept for two days .
2 It is not known how he was related to former kings of Mercia , but it is possible that he represented a line claiming descent from Penda .
3 AN 84-YEAR-OLD man who braved German bombs as a fireman during World War II , told last night how he was threatened by two gun-wielding raiders .
4 Formerly Australia 's most wanted man , he walked out of Springhill Open prison near Aylesbury 7 weeks ago and has n't been seen since , giving rise to questions about how he was sent to low-security confinement in the first place .
5 This is how he was described by one of his courtiers , Walter Map : " Whatever way he goes out he is seized upon by the crowds and pulled hither and thither , pushed whither he would not and yet , surprising to say , he listens to each man with patience , and though assaulted by all with shouts and pullings and rough pushings , does not threaten anyone because of it , nor show any sign of anger ; only , when he is hustled beyond bearing , he silently retreats to some place of quiet . "
6 How he was tortured in '44 .
7 The four-year investigation into former " junk-bond king " , Michael Milken ended in November 1990 when he was sentenced to 10 years in prison [ see p. 37848 ] .
8 He was arrested shortly after his arrival and was detained without trial until September when he was sentenced to ten years ' hard labour for alleged espionage .
9 I do n't know when he , when he was looking for that old chap , I think one of the girls threw something at him hit him in the eye .
10 The case was heard for a second time in mid-1986 , when he was convicted on six counts of espionage and sentenced to life imprisonment , but the verdict was later overturned .
11 He had started the Venturers ' Society in 1945 , when he was asked by some boys to take them on a visit down a coal mine , and on Mr. Horn 's retirement in 1959 had taken over the Railway Society too .
12 In September 1990 Mr. Kissane was arrested and charged with fraud arising out of activities when he was employed by Royal .
13 In September 1990 Mr. Kissane was arrested and charged with fraud arising out of activities when he was employed by Royal .
14 Tony suffered severe brain damage in April 1989 when he was crushed with dozens of other Liverpool fans in the Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield .
15 Classmates joined huge crowds when he was buried with full military honours after a service St Chad 's Church , Kirkby .
16 That was when he was buried in that lime at
17 He could tell that from his pulse-beat , which was only fifty-four when he was lying like this , on the bed , and from the hardness of his biceps when he bent his arm .
18 He continued to suffer from periodic chest infections throughout his early manhood ; but the earliest symptoms of his terminal illness appeared in 1784 , when he was attacked by violent colic , vomiting , and rheumatic fever , resulting from a virus caught during an epidemic .
19 The following year Robinson founded the Garden and edited it until 1899 , when he was succeeded for two years by Gertrude Jekyll [ q.v. ] , his lifelong friend .
20 He held the office until Safar 924/February 1518 when he was succeeded by two Damascene scholars in turn , who between them held the post until 927/1521 ; then by two Ottomans , in turn , until 930/1524 ; and then again by one of the Damascenes who had earlier held the post , this time holding it from 930/1524 to 936/1530 when he was removed , apparently for misconduct .
21 For some men promotion was eagerly desired , but even a promotion in rank could be distinctly harmful , as John Main discovered when he was drawn into another political conflict in 1752 .
22 Later , however he was introduced to new areas of work .
23 He staggered into the station where he was assisted by Irish Rail staff .
24 After the attack he was dumped outside the barracks before making his way to the Royal Cambridge Military Hospital in the town where he was treated for severe bruising to his head and body .
25 The second victim , Tahir Iqbal , was found dead in jail in Lahore , where he was detained on alleged charges of blasphemy .
26 The second victim , Tahir Iqbal , was found dead in jail in Lahore , where he was detained on alleged charges of blasphemy .
27 The second is that this form was not served on him , although it was undoubtedly served on the governor of the prison where he was detained on 3 July and should have been given to Mr. Butler .
28 It was the birthplace as you soon find out of Marshal Foch , supreme commander on the western front in the later stages of the First World War , who has here an equestrian statue , a main street named after him and a small museum in the house where he was born in 1851 .
29 Her first pamphlet , Strange and Wonderful Newes from Whitehall ( 1654 ) , chronicles the twelve-day trance into which she fell on 7 January 1654 , when she went with Vavasor Powell [ q.v. ] to Whitehall , where he was questioned for subversive preaching .
30 Malik once served a short term in jail in Karachi where he was filmed by Dutch television living in the height ofluxury .
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