Example sentences of "[Wh adv] he [adv] [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 How deep such bonds could go is suggested by a Sussex carter 's grandson who had been ‘ very happy ’ as a child brought up by his grandparents , ‘ much attached ’ to them , and who writes of how he later found a house for his ageing grandmother close to his own and nursed her through her last illness : ‘ no mother could have been more kind . ’
2 By 1752 Standidge was freighting his own ships to Rhode Island and in 1766 , when he also owned a shipyard , he equipped the Berry for a voyage to the Greenland fishery .
3 When he started ‘ writing in earnest ’ , after the war when he also joined a club for the hard of hearing which had a great effect on his life , he at first concentrated on prose , turning to the medium of poetry about 20 years later .
4 He was unlucky to have been in the University team only during his last year , when he easily gained a place .
5 One Sunday , after listening to a sermon in church on the wickedness of Sabbath-breaking , he was playing at tipcat ( a predecessor of cricket ) when he suddenly heard a voice cry , ‘ Wilt thou leave thy sins and go to Heaven , or have thy sins and go to Hell ? ’
6 On leaving school he entered his father 's cotton mill at Carleton-in-Craven , where he later became a partner ; he retired in 1906 .
7 The taxi driver was squatting by one of Bonefish 's gateposts where he surreptitiously smoked a cigarette .
8 When he was released , he sold up his home and moved to Barcelona , where he now had a job in a printing press .
9 He was known at the Wayfarers ' Refuge in Cosway Street in St Marylebone , an excellent place , where he usually got a midday meal and medical attention for minor ailments when he needed it .
10 To the observer this decision of 1955 looks as hard or harder ; to agree to accept a post which he expected to hate , and for which he regarded himself as unsuitable , and in which he would have to neglect that scholarship which was essential to his happiness and to his sense of vocation and to the reason why he ever became a bishop at all , if the leaders of the Church declared that this was where he was needed .
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