Example sentences of "[Wh adv] he [modal v] [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 People do live in a certain fear of him and anxiety about how he 'll respond to anything done up there in Inniskeen .
2 Yet if there was the slightest chance of the offer being genuine , how he would leap at it !
3 He had headaches , toothache , his anxiety about the coming week and how he would cope with it had given him a fever .
4 At the end of the lunch , Branson said in a faltering voice that there was something he had been thinking of doing , and he wanted to ask Laker how he would feel about it .
5 But by the latter part of the 1970s he experienced an irresistible urge to return to the private sector and he had a very clear idea of how he would go about it .
6 During Bush 's first term , the Democrat-dominated Congress was a constant thorn in his side and , at the Republican convention , he offered several ideas on how he would deal with what will be a newly elected Congress .
7 I had no idea whether he saw the tenfold rise in numbers applying as a problem to be addressed and , if so , how he would deal with it .
8 The glimpse of Johnson reflecting on the position of Slains Castle in relation to the perilous sea , displays a man with a capacity for the learned mot juste , surely a gift which Johnson polished , having discovered how he might impress with it .
9 Love 's got nothing at all to do with it , love 's a stupid joke , God , how he 'd laugh at me .
10 She adds : ‘ That encourages a woman to be hopeful things will improve but , unfortunately , there is no way of knowing how he will react to anything . ’
11 An observer would follow the same procedure in judging the traveller 's choice right or wrong and in predicting that choice , except that in the former case the question is how the traveller would react in fullest awareness , in the latter how he will react in his actual awareness .
12 " The way in which learning to read is experienced by the child will determine how he will view learning in general , how he will conceive of himself as a person . "
13 — he takes his Wife and Bairns with him , a Waggon the size of a Squatters Cabin and all such apparatus as will imcumber [ sic ] him not a little — he has never travelled in the Woods , never salted his rump Stakes [ sic ] with Gun Powder and how he will take to it , will be a ‘ sin to Crockett ’ .
14 The Profitboss avoids frequent business lunches , trying hard to find two or three days a week when he can escape from his office at lunch-time , take a stroll , sit on a park bench and eat an apple , drink some mineral water and contemplate his next profit-making move .
15 And while we 're giving the president advice , there is one other area where he might discriminate in his contacts with the stars .
16 ‘ I do n't know where he will go after his race at Christmas — I just want to take one race at a time — but the main target is the Champion Hurdle again . ’
17 Erm they looked after the w the ropes and er there was one one blacksmith , where he used to go on his rounds and check check the wire ropes and the hooks and that on the inclines you know .
18 The rents seem low , but when one considers that Mayhew 's seller of songs with a dependent wife earned less than 10s. a week and sometimes less than 5s. , it is easy to see why he might cling to his far from model room , where he has his own ‘ bits and sticks ’ , even at an exorbitant rent of 2s. 3d .
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