Example sentences of "[ex0] [be] a [noun] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yet nowhere has there been a guide to their identification . ’
2 There 's a twist to it , it
3 there 's a twist to it .
4 and there 's a backing to it and it pumps it out into the room , they 're dead hot
5 Okay right so there 's a s there 's a system to what 's going on with the acids and it 's not just one acid like hydrochloric most of the acids will do it some of them do it very readily some of them you have to get the conditions right often you have to get the temperature high to make it to make the reaction go but a metal plus an acid erm there 's a typical one zinc H two S O four gives zinc sulphate and the hydrogen .
6 There 's a sense to which , to put it in current terms
7 But there 's a postscript to it .
8 For page one three four and T U P E , yes , well we have done quite an extensive document , there 's been a lot done about T U P E in the public sector we 've done it in the government sector and given guidelines , and T U P E , while it is like you rightly say , a step forward , it 's not the total answer we need something better , but it does level out the playing field that the cowboys can find it difficult in and we as a union are advocating to our members where there is a transfer taking place , whether there 's a change to your employment challenge it and we will support that challenge with the necessary legal interpretation if so .
9 One , that many trade unionists work at and there 's a threat to their jobs and a threat to their future careers .
10 ‘ I expect there 's a knack to it .
11 There 's a rawness to his perfromance and a warmth the audience enjoys .
12 Now , as we 've all known since , oh , the first Crass record at least , rants tend to become extremely boring very quickly unless a ) there 's a point to them and b ) there 's some semblance of a tune to hum along to , and Leatherface have no problems on that score .
13 There 's a lot to it , you ca n't just go on and tell gags you have to take into account the type of show that will follow and the material that will work alongside it . ’
14 There 's a site to which this Society objected on Wetherby Road in Harrogate which we thought did n't need developing at all , but in practice the District Council decided they wanted it for industry because it considered the need for industry to be so great and we have along this frontage of Wetherby Road a row of three car showrooms and a token spot of industry behind it .
15 Well you have n't pleaded a term of the contract that there 's a practice to which all solicitors are subject that they have got to do this that and the other .
16 There 's a pattern to their thinking and I feel as if I 'm beginning to discern it .
17 There 's a pattern to his game .
18 There 's a limit to what I can endure . ’
19 GUIL : There 's a limit to what two people can do .
20 There 's a limit to what can be done on those little caravan stoves they provide us with . ’
21 There 's a limit to what you can think about God . ’
22 But obviously the answer is not to keep stepping up your operation because there 's a limit to your manpower .
23 Sometimes the road seems to go away from it , sometimes we can not see where it is going , even if there is a purpose to it .
24 If you are passing slightly to one side of the DF facility , and there is a response to your transmission on the operator 's screen , the " blip " would be changing position .
25 ‘ No doubt there is a logic to it .
26 And the other thing about visual things , let's , let's say there is a reference to somebody having piles , but they make it a visual gag
27 There is a tablet to his memory in Leeds town hall which was unveiled in 1924 .
28 Which is precisely the point : if there is a politics to what has become known as poststructuralism , then it is articulated in this passage which unnervingly weaves capitalist economic exploitation , racism , colonialism , sexism , together with , perhaps unexpectedly , ‘ History ’ and the structure of the Hegelian dialectic .
29 We know that there is a limit to what Britain can achieve alone and we are committed to building in the wider world the sort of society we strive for at home , founded on mutual cooperation , political liberty and shared prosperity .
30 The annual models provide good publicity at the Motor Show , but surely there is a limit to what can be done to a car that has to be instantly recognisable by its shape ?
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