Example sentences of "[ex0] [verb] been a [noun] by " in BNC.

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1 There has been a campaign by Customs & Excise , intensifying as the year has gone on , with valuable assistance from the accountancy profession , Sitpro ( Simpler Trade Procedures Board ) and similar bodies , to ensure that businesses buying or selling goods within the European market know what the changes to the collection of VAT and related statistics will entail .
2 There has been a move by the Norwegian government to try to tax the Lapps on the basis of reindeer numbers , and almost overnight the Arctic was denuded of animals , at least on paper .
3 Recently , there has been a movement by leasehold flat owners to band together , form a management company and buy up their own freeholds , thus ensuring that their ground rents remain low .
4 At home in Northumberland long ago , there had been a painting by Sickert whose poignancy and brilliance had stopped him nightly on his way to bed .
5 In recent years , the Committee has noted , with disappointment , that the new Legal Aid Board was not ‘ a Legal Services Board with overall responsibility for legal aid and legal services ’ ; that the present system could not be said to constitute a ‘ comprehensive system of legal services offering good early advice ’ ; and that in considering reform to the legal profession , there had been a failure by government ‘ to examine the place that lawyers ’ services should occupy in the field of legal services as a whole . ’
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