Example sentences of "[ex0] [verb] been [art] [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This probably underestimates the extent to which there has been a wider shift away from direct council provision , however .
2 Toby continued : ‘ As for this Harley business , we now know that there has been a closer relationship between Martinez and Jefferson over the years than the normal one of agent and manufacturer .
3 In Britain and America , there has been a greater variety of attitudes reflecting a wider diversity of theological stances .
4 There has been a greater emphasis on cosmic perspectives generally — such as the ‘ panspermia ’ theory ( the notion that the ‘ seeds ’ of organic life drifted to Earth from outer space ) — to explain both the origin of life on Earth and the frequent recurrence of plagues and viruses which have taken their toll of life in the past .
5 However , as educational standards have improved , there has been a greater awareness of mental handicap in children , and improved medical skills have led to more research into its causes .
6 Outside legal doctrine itself there has been a greater willingness to accept that in the large public company the shareholders may not perform the task of monitoring and controlling the management of the company , so that the managers are potentially left in a position of unchecked power .
7 That is one more reason why , across the south , there has been a greater swing to Labour than in any other region and why , I must point out to the hon. Member for Thurrock ( Mr. Janman ) , who seeks to speak for my native county , we look forward to a smashing victory in his constituency at the next election .
8 In recent years especially , it would appear that there has been a greater confidence among policy makers and market participants concerning the ability of market forces to secure many of the aforementioned policy objectives and to challenge the appropriateness of certain forms of pre-existing financial sector regulatory measures .
9 Turning from the functions of legislating and authorizing both expenditure and taxation to the other traditional function of pressing the government , the procedures involved have also undergone change but there has been a greater effort made to keep this weapon sharpened and up to the armour it has to pierce .
10 And it must be said that while there has been a greater interest in ferreting and in the shooting side of rabbiting the netting interest has declined .
11 First , there has been a harder look at the components of the nursing process to assess whether nursing skills were appropriately used and related to the needs of patients or whether they followed old-established but unvalidated local custom and practice .
12 There has been a further growth in the importance of information technology , to the state where entire curricula have been revised on the assumption that students coming up from school can programme quite complex computers within their first year .
13 Its initial impression , according to one of its members , Scott Fowler , was that there has been a further improvement .
14 This means that in terms of proportions of total employment there has been a faster shift away from manufacturing in the regions of the north than in the regions of the south ; there has been faster deindustrialization , measured in these terms also , in north than south .
15 There has been no greater continuity in the economic power of railways than in tapping minerals .
16 ‘ That 'll be nice , ’ Martha replied , as if there 'd been no earlier ruction .
17 Darlington Council leader John Williams ( Lab ) said public transport minister Roger Freeman had pledged to meet the management of Caldaire , which owns the site in question but there had been no further word from him .
18 There had been no further news of Alfred since he was seen by one of the hotel staff in Lady Street at eight that morning .
19 Was she a fool to hope there had been a deeper meaning in that fierce command ?
20 Natwest Bancorp said there had been a further reduction of charge-offs with its allowance for loan losses standing at $568m , or 4.68 p.c. of total lending .
21 By 1971 there had been a further reduction in this proportion , so that only 4.3 per cent of the population lived beyond what may be considered practical limits for commuting to metropolitan labour market centres .
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