Example sentences of "he would [verb] found " in BNC.

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1 If he had taken his own rule seriously , he would have found out that DRG has a very modest self-service canteen at its Bristol head office .
2 HAD Nigel Lawson toured the tea bars at the Blackpool Winter Gardens yesterday , he would have found one topic on everyone 's lips — increased interest rates .
3 Had Armstrong bothered to look in the government 's own internal telephone directory ( the Government Telecommunications Network ) , he would have found that MI6 is listed with four addresses .
4 But had the minister read the introduction to that paper he would have found the following : ‘ The metabolism and excretion of compounds with a prolonged half-life , however , may be slower in old age as a result of impaired renal function commonly seen in this age group .
5 If the Young Pretender had marched into England directly after Prestonpans , which had been fought on 21 September , he would have found a country ill-prepared to resist him , but many of his followers were reluctant to cross the Border .
6 If Ben Leggatt had earned his living , not as an odd job man at Weston Longville rectory but as a private soldier in one of His Majesty 's foot regiments billetted in Bungay , he would have found the shopkeepers overwilling to let him take away purchases on a promise to pay later — had it not been for the ‘ Crying Down The Credits ’ .
7 And probably he would have found the Whistler more understandable than the pop star whose gyrations would surely have convinced him that man was in the grip of his final , manic St Vitus 's dance .
8 His reaction was so wild that he would have found himself in even deeper trouble if he had connected with Simpson .
9 Like most upper-class Anglicans he would have found the incarnation more understandable if God had chosen to visit His creation as an eighteenth-century English gentleman .
10 It continues , ‘ Had Mapplethorpe devoted part of his life to a celebration , not of sado-masochism but , say , Nazism — as did the talented German film-maker Leni Riefenstahl in the Thirties — it is hard to believe he would have found many advocates in the art establishment ’ .
11 They say that if Mr Christopher had gone to Europe with nothing but the ‘ strike ’ part of his strategy , he would have found agreement ( no great enthusiasm , but agreement ) in Paris and London , notwithstanding the inevitable dangers to troops on the ground .
12 As he progressed there is little doubt that he would have found his path increasingly hampered by obstacles .
13 He would have found out what these two were up to by now .
14 In that region he would have found none .
15 If he 'd met someone and wanted to be unfaithful , he would have found an opportunity and I could n't have stopped him .
16 But the ritual was nevertheless a way of protecting the devotional intimacy , whereas the non-liturgical denominations exposed it in a way he would have found offensive .
17 When Peter Adamson wrote the NI 's first editorial back in 1973 he would have found it hard to believe that things could get much worse in the field of trade — but they have .
18 ‘ If you 'd not been there , he would have found another excuse , believe me . ’
19 If he had read the report , he would have found in it powerful evidence that his partisan ideological commitment to abolish the scheme is foolish .
20 Given my right hon. Friend 's well-known views and his desire to protect the interests of the British people , I am sure that he would have found his part in the process very satisfying .
21 He would have found some means of stopping the Yssgaroth .
22 Outside in London , if he cared to leave the flat , he would have found an atmosphere , an edge , that any man of twenty-five with money in his pocket and an afternoon like that behind him should have delighted in .
23 Yet if this had taken place in her grandmother 's room , he would have found plenty of bottles there , a cupboard-full , going back for two or three years .
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