Example sentences of "he had ordered the " in BNC.

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1 He had ordered the opening of the city gates and capitulation .
2 He had ordered the things that Scotland did best , just as he had chosen the best French courses in Agen .
3 At a press conference in Pisa peppered with outbursts of bitter polemic , the president of the expert commission announced that he had ordered the wells to be closed .
4 Her husband , Mr Harry Helmsley , 83 , a property magnate , who escaped joining his wife in the dock on tax charges because of ill-health , said he had ordered the lights that play on the art deco pinnacle turned off as a ‘ symbolic gesture ’ .
5 He had ordered the strengthening of Dunbar Castle , thirty miles north of Berwick ; why , if not because he intended to use it as his base against Lothian and this Edinburgh ?
6 Approaches were then made to Brian Cubbon , the Permanent Under Secretary at the Home Office responsible for criminal matters , with the result that within three weeks of publication the Home Secretary Willie Whitelaw announced to the House of Commons that because of continued unease about the case and after discussions with the Lord Chief Justice , he had ordered the release of Cooper and McMahon from prison .
7 Twenty-nine days earlier he had personally visited the National Westminster Bank in Lower Regent Street , and in the office of the Deputy Manager he had ordered the movement of 500,000 American dollars from the account of Iraqi Airlines ( London ) to a numbered account in Dublin .
8 He had ordered the men at the north-facing ramparts and at the churchyard wall to fight their way back through the Residency from room to room towards the hall , from where a dash could be made for the head of the connecting trench ; once safely inside the trench the north-facing cannons of the banqueting hall , firing over their heads , could give them covering fire to complete their withdrawal .
9 In desperation , the previous week , he had ordered the children to select a favourite passage from books he had been reading with them , write it out in their best handwriting and then add some comments on what they enjoyed about the piece and about the book in general .
10 As reported on March 23 , the leader of the Medellín drug cartel Pablo Escobar Gaviria , in a letter to UP president Diego Montana Cuellar , " emphatically denied " government charges that he had ordered the killing , claiming that it was the work of the government itself .
11 Richard Darman , the OMB Director , informed his Cabinet colleagues on Aug. 7 that he had ordered the appropriate federal agencies to prepare for sequestration from Oct. 1 .
12 Also on April 30 , de Klerk told Parliament that he had ordered the release of 933 political prisoners since 1990 , and that those still in prison would be freed within days .
13 President Saibou denied on Sept. 7 that he had ordered the massacre .
14 After the closed meeting , military sources reported that Yeltsin had informed them of 90 per cent pay rises which he had ordered the previous week .
15 President Collor , in a nationwide television broadcast on May 26 , announced that he had ordered the Justice and Economy Ministers to open a police inquiry to reveal the full truth and examine the " false and foolish " allegations against him .
16 Official press reports quoted the Prime Minister as saying that normal freedoms might be curbed with effect from Dec. 4 , and further stated that he had ordered the dissolution of a " spider 's web " of bodies alleged to support the outlawed Islamic Salvation Front ( FIS ) [ see pp. 38790-91 for Feb. 1992 introduction of state of emergency ] .
17 Charges had been filed against Cruz on Oct. 26 alleging that he had ordered the unfreezing of assets belonging to 10 companies or individuals identified as belonging to the Colombian Cali drug trafficking cartel .
18 He had ordered the William Ashbless poetry over a month ago , and now it had finally arrived .
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