Example sentences of "he had once [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He delighted his acolytes with tales about his time in the Army and how he had once lost an entire platoon .
2 He had once seen a naturalist on the television who seemed to him to be an analogue of himself .
3 His face was so dark and wizened that he reminded Corbett of a monkey he had once seen in the royal menagerie in the Tower of London .
4 There had even been times when he 'd found himself imagining her with no clothes on at all — the way he had once seen Peggy Podmore — and felt the same keen desire well up in him .
5 He realized with a shock that they reminded him of steers he had once seen in a railroad siding back home in Richmond , Virginia , crowded uncomprehendingly in trucks bound for the slaughterhouse .
6 Edward stood still ; he had once seen a whole flock of long-tailed tits here , swinging like pink jewels among the flickering leaves of a silver birch .
7 He was drawn to the traditions of Sephardism , he had once explained ; that rigorous and secluded tradition appealed to his own sensibility , in the same way that " free-thinking " Jews seemed to him to come too close to the rational Unitarianism which he despised .
8 There are other images , too : he mentions the " ailanthus " , one of which stood in the yard of the Mary Institute where he had once played , and the " briar rose " by his father 's house in Gloucester ; in addition , he employs words like " rote " or " groaner " which he had heard as a child in New England .
9 He drew open the neck of the leather bag that lay beside him , and reached inside to withdraw with loving care that same psaltery he had once played in Donata 's bedchamber , polished sounding-board and stretched strings shining like new .
10 The proud possessor of a fragment of the Infant Jesus 's vest , a toy he had once played with ( Benjamin would have been proud of that ) , and a hair from St Peter 's beard which could cure the ague or a sore throat .
11 sense of a cultural order which he had once sought and which , by the strange alchemy of his career , he now embodied .
12 He was talking about his childhood in Wales and how he had once wanted to be a detective .
13 Nevertheless , two hundred years after Charles 's death , the inhabitants of the lands he had once ruled were identified as Kerlinger , Carlenses : " Charles 's men " ; and in the thirteenth century , when King Louis IX arranged at St-Denis the tombs of the kings who had preceded him , he left two in positions of special honour , the Merovingian Dagobert , greatest of the First Frankish dynasty , and Charles the Bald .
14 He had once believed in the perfect system .
15 The driver objected on the ground that he was averse to needles and that he had once fainted when giving a sample of blood .
16 With one of those insights which showed a mind much subtler than that of many of his contemporaries , he had drawn an analogy between logical positivism and surrealism ; but he told me on this occasion that he had once asked A.J. Ayer , as he then was , what political beliefs were compatible with logical positivism : to which the reply had been , not altogether to his surprise , that they would be decidedly left-wing .
17 John could easily believe it ; be remembered how , when he was walking the route of that particular line , he had once asked for a glass of water at a cottage and been charged eightpence for it .
18 Richard , back from work after a tiresome day , stopped on the Embankment to look , and remembered that he had once gone on board the Waalhaven for a drink when she put in at Orfordness .
19 He almost told her that he had once lived a year with a girl he had married navvy-style , over the anvil , and had got her with child before she ran away from him .
20 I went back to the Maggot 's foul house , where he kept his killer dog and astonishing collection of guns , and we sat on his makeshift verandah that overlooked a noxious and polluted creek and shared a few whiskies as he told me an incredibly tedious tale of how he had once sacked the quarterback of the San Francisco Sugar Plums .
21 Turning to face her , he was visited suddenly , not by desire , but by a memory , inconveniently intense , of the desire he had once felt for her .
22 He was not clear about it , had no notion of his objective or destination ; he knew only that he had once felt filled with high sense of purpose , that aimlessness had not then been his condition , but a starry conviction .
23 And he wrote a sonnet about a plate of ham and a mug of beer he had once tasted , after walking for miles and miles .
24 For instance , Piers 's unforthcoming remark about avoiding love because he had once tasted it and it had left a bitter after-effect .
25 Reason said he could n't possibly have any recollection of a nineteen-year-old nobody he had once caused to be dismissed from her first job , but the knowledge of her bones was stronger .
26 Tolkien 's epic is more like a romantic reflection of pre-1914 British life and of those models of manly virtue he had once witnessed and cherished , it seems likely , in the grim camaraderie of the trenches in the First World War .
27 He had virtually no bite , as he had once overheard Adam say to Bridget , and heard it with helpless chagrin .
28 According to local rumour , he had once threatened Chris Blackwell with a machete .
29 Shakily Fernando eased away from her and in that terrible second she hesitated , fearing the rejection he had once threatened her with .
30 A narrow plot of mean suburban proportions compared to the place he had once possessed .
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