Example sentences of "he realised [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It stated the soldier 's undying love for his wife but also made it plain that he realised that they could not live in harmony , so they had better not see each other .
2 He realised that they were unlikely to pinpoint a genuine agent in that way , but their familiarity with the Belfast scene was unnerving .
3 Then he realised that they were referring to their own attack on him .
4 He realised that they could n't put the fire out and that something was going to happen .
5 Quiss experienced the tiniest moment of fear , then savage anger , and was about to go down fighting — take as many of the little bastards with him as he could — when he realised that they were bowing and wringing their hands and making apologetic noises , not howling angry ones .
6 Then he realised that they were presumably so poor that even a choice of cornflakes or lumpy porridge , along with underdone toast and margarine , had the overwhelming attraction of being free .
7 He realised that we can see more than half way round a small cylinder and that three views are available : that of the right eye , that of the left eye , and the total sensation , giving three outlines .
8 But when he realised that we both wanted to do all we could to encourage the best art education for the pupils in the West Riding schools the barriers were down and we became friends .
9 He had never questioned their presence , but now he realised that it had oppressed him .
10 He realised that it was improper for Policemen to accept gifts .
11 Broomhead had at first considered giving the woman a salutation from his vast treasury of filthy language when she approached him , but he realised that it might damage his rather good reputation .
12 He could not find any and he realised that it would be the voice of Dame Melba which rang out in the backstreets as he advertised the fact that he had a gramophone for sale .
13 In that first heart-stopping moment when he realised that it really was her , his impulse had been to run to her , to grab her in his arms and smother her with kisses , to chide her for not waiting until he came back to make her his wife .
14 A st'lyan ate up the ground like no horse he had ever encountered , and although at first he had estimated that a verst , the basic unit of Tarvarian distance , was equivalent to about a kilometre , now he realised that it was probably more than twice that .
15 But the stabbing pain in his eardrums was almost welcome , as the roaring subsided to a grumbling , faraway avalanche and he realised that it was only the sound of the storm .
16 In the same moment , he realised that it would be extremely dangerous for Fenella to join them .
17 A pale blue light puzzled him for a moment , until he realised that it was the Calor gas stove in the galley .
18 He realised that it had been a while now since he had put himself on the lookout for Medjays shadowing him .
19 Sean decided to take the money because he realised that it would be difficult to live with no money .
20 But , once he realised that I was a bit apart from them , we started to get on well and wrote a lot together , coming up with new lyrics for ‘ Did You No Wrong ’ and beginning to find cover versions that would really establish our identity .
21 Then he realised that she had n't recognised the slap of the rifle .
22 As he came into the room , he realised that she was crying quietly , and he went up to her and put his arms around her as tightly and as reassuringly as possible .
23 He only became as it were conscious again when he realised that she was on to another topic .
24 Morse had never seen Mrs Marion Kemp , but from the marriage photograph that hung in the living room he realised that she must once have been quite a vivacious woman : dark , curly hair ; slim , firm figure ; and curiously impudent , puckish eyes .
25 His grandmother had slumped into a heap but when Asik tried to lift her head he realised that she too had died .
26 Shortly before he was due to deliver that speech on Wednesday — a Burkeian lecture on economic growth and greenery — he realised that he had put some of his best lines in the draft for the Prime Minister 's speech .
27 Herr Nordern 's temper was n't improved when , having caught the S-Bahn , he realised that he had left his book of tickets in his other Jacket .
28 If he actually put his foot down and said , ‘ No , I think that 's ridiculous ’ , everyone shut up and listened , and I feel that this was the first time that he realised that he did have the powers of leadership , not only on stage but also off stage . ’
29 He realised that he was , in fact , looking at a man , so heavily clothed , hatted and booted in furs that he could have made a fortune doing tricks at the Glasgow Fair .
30 His jaw ached and he realised that he was grinding his teeth , so he released the muscles and tried to relax .
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