Example sentences of "he moved to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 1866 he moved to 11 Nelson Street , where he remained until his death , turning 24 Hardy Street into a private nursing home .
2 He moved to New College , Oxford , in February 1940 , only to be interned briefly in Paignton , Devon .
3 He moved to 99 Ledsam Street ( The Tank House ) .
4 He moved to Imperial College in 1911 , was appointed assistant professor of chemical engineering in 1917 , and elevated to the chair in 1926 .
5 He moved to one of the windows to draw the curtains , but before doing so he peered out .
6 this lad was , now he was , coming in the bar , he sat just as you come in the door and then he moved to that long thing where we sit , well I go at the bar and Jackie was sat there Jackie , I said time to be social , no I cos I laugh , I were laughing me head off me and he 's jabbering away move like that , his arms moving you know , then he sets off to sing , well , la , la and Johnny said shut up I know Johnny put his glass of beer on the next table to ours and sets off to see Mickey , then he stands up this lad sit down you , must have thought for his beer , I think he was like , I says to Jack I says er you want to put his trousers is all undone , you know sat and his trousers what and his jumper , so our Johnny went he said get that covered up and , but he pulled it down like that , and now he took 'em out he walked through the door and his trousers were falling down but
7 During World War II McLachlan 's laboratory in central London was badly damaged but he moved to various locations , including the Pharmaceutical Society in Bloomsbury Square .
8 A year as Agricultural Division personnel manager followed ; he moved to General chemicals as general manager in 1986 .
9 When Bristol Motors took over Armstrongs to become Bristol-Siddeley , he moved to industrial and marine engines with the Olympus and Proteus Gas Generators .
10 Sent away to prep school at eight , he was lonely and homesick and no sooner had he settled in than he moved to public school , to Gordonstoun , a bleak and desolate place on the windswept north-east coast of Scotland , with a regime to match .
11 Perhaps Lord Ashley-Cooper was so horrified that he moved to another property , for there is evidence that the Manor reverted to being a tenanted farmhouse and remained thus until it was sold by the Shaftesburys in 1912 to Colonel Canning .
12 But a great man , a potens , in Charles 's kingdom could quit the scene as completely as he had momentarily seemed to dominate it : if he died leaving only young sons , or no sons at all , or if he moved to another Carolingian kingdom , Charles might redistribute his honores as he put it , voluntarie — " in accordance with my will " .
13 Originally he worked from Shrewsbury on the Bristol run and then on the West Country routes when he moved to Old Oak Common , London .
14 His drive and energy helped Leeds to four FA cup finals and two league titles , before he moved to nearby Hull City where he played another 61 games .
15 After switching codes at the age of 11 when he moved to senior school , he began life as a flanker and it was not until 1973 , when he had been playing for seven years , that he moved to tight-head prop .
16 Simmons blasted five sixes and 12 fours as he moved to 122 from 113 balls .
17 In 1985 he moved to Corporate Finance as Group management accountant .
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