Example sentences of "he claim that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He claimed that they soon adapted to life in captivity and became useful pest-controllers .
2 He claimed that they lost him money by selling Licence To Kill cheaply to boost company finances , when they were raising cash for a takeover bid .
3 Ever a man for taking the particular to exhibit the general , this allowed him a global crack at the Scots : he claimed that they were not interested in doing anything unless it had natural awkwardness in it : ‘ What can not be done without some uncommon trouble or particular expedient , will not often be done at all .
4 He claimed that they were being stockpiled rather than dismantled and that Ukraine could not guarantee they would " not fall into undesirable hands " .
5 He claimed that they contributed to the ‘ degeneration of a once prestigious avenue ’ .
6 He claimed that it was more accurate than any that had been made before , and there is a strong possibility that it is to be identified with the map which appears in the 1535 English Bible of Miles Coverdale [ q.v . ] .
7 He claimed that it did n't matter what mantra you said , or indeed if you did n't have one , as long as you cleared out your mind .
8 He claimed that it was " a drama full of lies and deception … an insidious act laying a deliberate , new obstacle in the way of the development of North-South relations " .
9 The Director of Studies expressed strong misgivings over the amount of his time ( he claimed that it has ‘ cost ’ him 32 periods ) which the review of this small department had taken .
10 He claimed that he was sick of this ‘ Steffi is Great ’ attitude and he accused you of showing favour towards Steffi .
11 At a press conference in Lahore yesterday , Zia 's son , Mr Ijaz ul-Haq accused the PPP of being involved in ‘ narco-terrorism ’ and he claimed that he had evidence that the Al Zulfiqar group had been involved in the assassination .
12 Hope bought a site for this purpose and acted as the client , although he claimed that he was only the Society 's agent , and it was not ‘ his ’ church .
13 He claimed that he had been ‘ the master of ceremonies ’ , but The Builder report indicates that this role was carried out by Tite , although if Scott 's previous conclusion was correct , Donaldson did organize the delegation .
14 He claimed that he had a reasonable excuse within s.178(2) in that s.10 of the contempt of Court Act 1981 conferred an immunity on journalists from disclosing a source of information unless the disclosure was necessary for the prevention of crime .
15 But he took care to publish them as ‘ Sine nomine ’ or ‘ Missa primi toni ’ and when he issued his Second Book of Masses ( Rome , 1567 ) he claimed that he had composed ‘ music of a new order in accordance with the views of the most serious and religious-minded persons in high places ’ .
16 He claimed that he was struck on the left leg and was knocked off-balance and said that afterwards he had difficulty moving .
17 He claimed that he was the victim of a " Stalinist " campaign to oust him by fellow NSF members who had used information on him obtained from Securitate files to publish smears in the NSF-controlled media .
18 He claimed that he had not acted illegally , nor authorized others to do so , but also stated that he believed Poindexter to be innocent of the charges against him .
19 He claimed that he was avenging the killing of 17 Arabs in October 1990 on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem [ see pp. 37759-60 ] .
20 A day later he claimed that he had been the victim of a dirty tricks campaign , saying that his house had been under surveillance and that a carefully organized smear campaign had been waged against him , apparently concerning loans alleged to have been made to his petfood company several years previously .
21 He claimed that he had been a valued ally of the US government but that President Bush had pursued a vendetta against him because he , Noriega , had refused to participate in efforts to overthrow the left-wing Sandinista government in Nicaragua .
22 Thus , when he explained his view of the campaign , and of the war as whole , to Cantalupo on 4 April , he claimed that he was waging war slowly , in order to avoid unnecessary destruction and to consolidate the " liberation " ( which , he said , was not the same as the mere " conquest " ) of one area before going on to the next .
23 Indeed he claimed that he sometimes drew upon his knowledge of British policies and methods — past and present — when developing his own ideas .
24 I was intrigued recently to read an interview with Roman Polanski , the film director , in which he claimed that he learns languages not by learning tracts of vocabulary , but by playing at the sounds of a new language , first speaking a " gibberish " version of it , finding out what it feels like to be making those sounds and those speech patterns .
25 Mr said that when child B eventually gave his account of what had happened he claimed that he had only thrown small stones at James and had deliberately tried to miss .
26 Or could he claim that he was defending his friend with reasonable force ?
27 Indeed , he claims that they work too hard , substituting their career for a child and are more likely to become alcoholics or take drugs .
28 Indeed , he claims that they work too hard , substituting their career for a child and are more likely to become alcoholics or take drugs .
29 He claims that it is an effective tool both for monitoring established social trends and for identifying new developments at an early stage .
30 He claims that it 's only ‘ half a solution ’ because most companies run one or two programs that are n't on the Wabi can-run list .
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