Example sentences of "he describe as the " in BNC.

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1 He exuded confidence , and even cracked jokes , at what he described as the pitiful state of the mujahedin 's strategy conducted by Pakistan .
2 Steiner accepted that the Situationists had identified and accurately described the emptiness of everyday life and even accepts their pleas for subversion , but was very sour about what he described as the ‘ depressingly banal ’ prescriptions of Debord and the ‘ turgid creed ’ of Vaneigem .
3 Mr Major 's strongest words were reserved for what he believes is the threat to the constitution of the United Kingdom — which he described as the ‘ sleeping issue ’ of the election .
4 But , Mr Lamont , Chancellor of the Exchequer , wrote to Mr Kinnock last night , challenging what he described as the ‘ lie ’ at the centre of the Labour campaign .
5 He returned 15 years later to set up what he described as the ‘ government of God ’ .
6 In the troposphere he emphasised the important reactions of the hydroxyl radical , which he described as the ‘ detergent ’ of the atmosphere because of its pollutant removal capacity , particularly in the tropics .
7 Speculation indeed he described as the disease of the age ; he never preached about predestination .
8 But he lived to reflect on what he described as the ‘ luckiest escape of my life ’
9 Rickford attacked what he described as the hysteria of the opposition to BT : the fear is that the US is being ‘ opened up to a conspiracy of foreigners against which the US needs to defend itself . ’
10 Such qualities include not only those which are naturally useful or agreeable but also what he described as the artificial virtues , in particular justice .
11 Having constructed a working model , as it were , he left his conscious mind to one side and relied upon his ear — what he described as the interdependence of rhythm and diction , or the recognition of meaning when it is embodied in cadence .
12 The idea that conversation proceeds according to a principle , known and applied by all human beings , was first proposed in a limited form by the philosopher Paul Grice ( 1975 ) , who put forward what he described as the co-operative principle .
13 Mr. Harrison 's careful and closely argued submissions opened by pointing out what he described as the ‘ commercially absurd consequences of the landlord 's case . ’
14 The Leningrad party leader Boris Gidaspov , a member of the Secretariat from 1990 onwards , placed most of his emphasis upon central control and discipline ; he was openly dismissive of ideas of ‘ people 's capitalism ’ and ‘ nonparty glasnost' ’ and in 1991 attacked what he described as the ‘ anti-democratic liquidationist movement ’ that was taking advantage of the weakness and indecision of the party leadership .
15 My hon. and learned Friend the Member for Burton also referred to the need to maintain what he described as the quality of managers in prisons , and my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary has also spoken about that .
16 The official news agency Tanjug had reported on April 3 that Yusuf Zehjnulahu , the Chairman of the Kosovo provincial assembly ( i.e. the provincial Premier ) , had resigned his post in protest at what he described as the excessively brutal tactics employed by the Serbian authorities towards the ethnic Albanians in the province .
17 In an earlier meeting with political leaders ( including opposition figures ) , Rodríguez had requested support for land reform which he described as the country 's most pressing problem , but he insisted on respect for private property rights , as well as the squatters ' vacation of the occupied land , before such reforms could be implemented .
18 De Klerk declared that the point had now been reached when the " remaining vestiges of violence could be countered with the ordinary laws of the land " , except in Natal , where the " destruction of human life and property " and what he described as the " exceptionally high level of intimidation which exists there " had " assumed shocking proportions " and needed to be countered " by the strongest means available " .
19 President Chissano was critical of what he described as the MNR 's " delaying tactics " .
20 In his opening address Diouf pledged firm action against what he described as the dangers of " secessionism and fundamentalism of all kinds " , a reference to the mounting insurgency in Casamance province [ see below ] .
21 The removal of Saddam Hussein was frequently stated not to be an explicit allied war aim , but allied leaders nevertheless referred on a number of occasions to the desirability of such an outcome , notably on Feb. 15 when US President George Bush urged the Iraqi people to overthrow what he described as the brutal dictatorship .
22 Habash stated that the PFLP 's decision was a result of what he described as the " erroneous political line " being pursued by the PLO leadership in accepting conditions set by the United States for the formation of a Palestinian delegation to the Madrid conference .
23 Deputy Foreign Minster Ali Mohammed Besharati responded to the visit by referring to what he described as the UN human rights commission 's constant criticism of Iran , which he implied was politically motivated .
24 In this address , delivered in the south-central city of Cienfuegos on Sept. 5 and broadcast nationwide , he provided statistics to illustrate what he described as the " extraordinary damage " to the economy caused by the severing of preferential trading links with the former Soviet Union .
25 In a letter to The Scotsman , James Hood , the MP for Clydesdale , condemned what he described as the media 's continued barrage of attacks on Mr Clarke .
26 He criticised the attitude of Scottish Office ministers to what he described as the gravest crisis in employment Scotland has faced since the war .
27 Mr Hall 's comments came in the wake of what he described as the ‘ sham consultation ’ by Mersey regional health bosses on trust status .
28 There will be no hasty purchases , as Tony is determined to keep a focus on the chain 's niche market , which he describes as the top end of the traditional ale market .
29 IN OUR SECOND disturbing dispatch [ Apocalypse Now — Now , page 110 ] , novelist Christopher Hope reports from suburban Johannesburg , which he describes as the wall-building capital of the world .
30 He believes that under these conditions of choice , which he describes as the original position , there is only one set of principles which can be rationally chosen to govern a society enjoying favourable social and economic conditions .
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