Example sentences of "he happen to [be] " in BNC.

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1 A patient , he maintains , should not be expected to change his basic beliefs because the doctor who cured him happened to be an adherent of the Christian religion .
2 New Zealand , too , fielded a side below full strength , though that is their privilege , and an uninspired 80 minutes signified little , beyond underlining the value of Kevin Iro to whichever team he happens to be playing in .
3 Well he happens to be an old flame of Mummy 's .
4 Usually he guesses what he happens to be thinking about himself , at the time . ’
5 ‘ To howl down a man just because he happens to be out of form one day is often sufficient to discourage him for all time , ’ he told the Yorkshire Evening Post .
6 He happens to be a minister and found himself amid considerable grief telling his young family that their dog had gone for a walk with Jesus .
7 He is , of course , the corporation 's watcher of science ( along with medicine , aerospace , and aviation , not to mention street sieges when he happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time ) for radio 's news department .
8 And if as heir presumptive , he happens to be an angel as well — why should his bride complain ! ’
9 ‘ However — and it is a BUT in capital letters — it 's as deplorable as it 's inevitable that because he happens to be a movie star his actions have drawn a torrent of destructive attention upon the entire industry with a free-for-all splurge in 57 varieties of scandal , malicious tongue-wagging and dirt . ’
10 Iago 's superiority over the six people he directly deceives ( and behind them , of course , the whole of society ) is so marked that we risk endorsing his contempt for whichever ‘ snipe ’ , ‘ knave ’ , or ‘ ass ’ he happens to be manipulating .
11 All that 's stopping him being welcomed into the great freemasonry of the over-fifties is that he happens to be thirty-two .
12 The mother who ‘ ca n't be so cruel ’ as to wake her sleeping baby if he happens to be asleep at the appointed feeding-time , fails to realize that a few such wakings would be all she would have to resort to …
13 It is not something which your average reader is even particularly aware of ( unless he happens to be French ) .
14 He happens to be called " Shakespeare " , but this does not make " Shakespeare " equivalent with " the man called Shakespeare " , for he might not have been called " Shakespeare " at all .
15 At the editor 's workstation , which is n't a particular Mac but the one he happens to be logged onto , formatting codes are applied to the copy to generate the typeset material .
16 The argument for saying that there should be liability in such circumstances is that a constable does not cease to have certain general duties because he happens to be ‘ off duty ’ for the time being .
17 ‘ Come to think of it , he happens to be a very nice boy not so young , really .
18 They do n't have a problem at all it does n't seem to er be part of their daily lives er , that said I do have a farmer of my acquaintance , when I say my acquaintance he happens to be my son-in-law .
19 ‘ I imagine you employed him , ’ she rebuked him tightly , ‘ because he happens to be a first-class mechanic . ’
20 erm , well I think it 's , do , erm I do n't know whether you understand what 's been asked doctor it cou it 's a question of costs , er normally where er matters erm are dealt with in chambers for in counsel appear then erm these counsel do n't get paid for the other side erm unless there is certificate for counsel as I understand it , were the , were the counsel appeared before the Judge erm they are entitled to their costs and this is er an appeal to the Judge , but er what I think Mr is saying is , in case he happens to be wrong in that he would like an order that er his fees should be proper fees of the defen of the plaintiffs on this appeal and er such as you could say seems to me that er , that is a , that would be proper
21 Candidates had to write down what they felt would most help them improve their lives and these suggestions were forwarded to the Prince in the diplomatic bag to wherever he happened to be in the world ; he then chose whom the money should go to .
22 He was famous simply because he happened to be the Prince of Wales ; and in his darker moments he felt that charities and organizations only wanted him because of his name .
23 Sir Neill Cooper-Key , Lord Rothermere 's son-in-law , procured the safe Conservative seat of Hastings because , as a young army officer in 1945 he happened to be drinking in the bar of the Berkeley Hotel .
24 In fact , when all his debts were paid off , the money was quickly spent and he soon found himself waiting to collect his $55 a week on the unemployment line at 75 East 13th Street , where he happened to be caught by an eagle-eyed Life photographer before the film 's release .
25 If he happened to be out when Sien came home , the flowers in front of the window by the wicker chair would let her know he had thought of her .
26 As was so often the case , he sucked up nourishment from books he happened to be reading , finding parallels in the lives of characters to his own dilemmas and solutions .
27 Ian was not over-bright , but he happened to be popular with the other boys as he was a good footballer and did quite well at sports generally .
28 He happened to be an unusually bright child and his mother had worked hard with him at home on spelling and reading .
29 On other days , he tended to have lunch either at the Reform or at the Oxford and Cambridge Club ; to judge by his correspondence , there were few occasions when he happened to be " free " and he was forced to arrange regular times in order to see close friends like Herbert Read .
30 When he was a child , an artist visited his school — he happened to be a musician — and left behind him an impression of a man very clearly committed to his chosen subject , and a feeling of passion for doing something you really want to do , that stayed with Paul for years until he finally decided to become a photographer .
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