Example sentences of "he have ever seen " in BNC.

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1 He said I was the healthiest ghost he 'd ever seen !
2 ‘ Although , when I was going he did give me a sort of squeeze and said I 'd got the loveliest mouth he 'd ever seen . ’
3 Sergeant Newton Barrios had investigated more than seven hundred traffic fatalities in the city of New Orleans , but this was the worst he 'd ever seen on the St Claude Avenue Bridge .
4 ‘ The man who drilled for the test said it was among the hardest block he 'd ever seen .
5 I do n't think he 'd ever seen a woman shop that fast ! ’
6 It was the shortest rainstorm he 'd ever seen .
7 Gurder looked more unhappy than he 'd ever seen him .
8 From stories handed down , it seems that the Frenchman saw Marama , insisted on painting her straight away , and then said she was the most beautiful woman he 'd ever seen and begged her to come and live with him .
9 I would n't have been the first guy he 'd ever seen at that hour .
10 Physical contact of a different nature was employed by another member of staff when during a break period he enquired disarmingly of a pupil whether he 'd ever seen an ‘ Irish whip ’ .
11 As he walked behind the lawnmower he did n't care for , he remembered the first time he 'd ever seen her .
12 It was so far outside anything he 'd ever seen before that his mind was n't letting him worry about it .
13 Vet , Bill Stuart says it was one of the worse cases of starvation he 'd ever seen .
14 A vet described it as the worse case of neglect he 'd ever seen .
15 She stared back at him , more vacant and stupid than he had ever seen her .
16 The enormous main door of the house stood open , its metal-lined bulk held by the largest safety-chain he had ever seen .
17 Endill followed him out into the biggest corridor he had ever seen .
18 It was the tallest room he had ever seen and was so dark near the top it was impossible to see the ceiling — if there was one .
19 Of course Boy had seen inside a lot of different men 's houses , but this was the first man 's life he had ever watched at such close quarters , the first time he had ever seen a man taking care of himself , the first time he had ever seen another man living day after day after day .
20 Of course Boy had seen inside a lot of different men 's houses , but this was the first man 's life he had ever watched at such close quarters , the first time he had ever seen a man taking care of himself , the first time he had ever seen another man living day after day after day .
21 Duncan said it was the best that he had ever seen .
22 It was quite the funniest thing — all of it , the squeals from the man , the sounds of a cat — that he had ever seen .
23 And more than once he lost his way because he was remembering the bluest eyes he had ever seen .
24 The Wang Garden was like no Chinese restaurant he had ever seen .
25 Below , wading through the shrubbery with the most furtive air he had ever seen , was a thin man with a beaky nose .
26 There before him stood one of the tallest , thinnest men he had ever seen outside a circus .
27 Canals were everywhere , criss-crossing each other , more than he had ever seen .
28 Nathan blushed and stammered , returning his gaze to where she herself lay ; she was , he wanted to say , the loveliest thing he had ever seen , and could not they name the baby after her ?
29 Mary looked the nearest to ugly he had ever seen her .
30 James thought you were the most delicious creature he had ever seen . ’
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