Example sentences of "he have ever know " in BNC.

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1 Silk was the meanest , toughest professional he 'd ever known .
2 There were times when he missed her ; hers was the only woman 's body that he 'd ever known .
3 She was the most girlish girl he 'd ever known .
4 He said that the few holes they had dug and refilled would not affect his crop and , more importantly , they were the best ‘ scarecrows ’ he 'd ever known !
5 His fear of the big dog suddenly increased beyond any fear he had ever known .
6 The boy fought wildly for a few seconds but then his right arm was bent back behind him until he called out in the most desperate agony he had ever known .
7 Above all , he took the future trade union leader seriously , answering his incessant questions , and calling him proudly the ‘ queerest bairn he had ever known .
8 She had been loyal to him , had understood him better than in all his youth he had ever known .
9 But he dared not move , not this time , not yet , and he held on tight , lying there with his body ten times more thrillingly alive than he had ever known it .
10 Austen Chamberlain was equally enthusiastic at the time , but later put the occasion into somewhat more critical perspective by saying that it was the only time in fourteen years that he had ever known Baldwin to influence a Cabinet decision .
11 He said little more to the Cabinet than that ‘ it was a worse situation in the House of Commons than he had ever known ’ , but he got Chamberlain ( a great man for doing the dirty jobs ) to see Hoare again and present hint with an impossible ultimatum .
12 All the women he had ever known had wanted to flaunt their possession of him , however fleeting .
13 He began to remember all the people he had ever known who had been hung .
14 He had caught her in his arms , and there had been a soaring delight , an exchange of joy , wordless , mindless , stronger and infinitely sweeter than anything he had ever known .
15 Many of them used to meet regularly at Shirreff 's wine bar under Ludgate Circus where , despite a lifelong stammer , Lewis more than held his own ; he was indeed described by Belloc as the wittiest man he had ever known .
16 Dai joined and was immediately given more challenging work than he had ever known .
17 The gipsy put the knife to work and Putt 's body arched as a pain unlike anything he had ever known spread from his groin to the whole of his body .
18 Dangerfield had started the day tired ; now , after repeated bouts of combat and the shock of his crash-landing he was weary beyond anything he had ever known .
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