Example sentences of "he [vb past] be prepared " in BNC.

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1 He 'd been prepared to give up everything for her : Venice , his family , all he 'd achieved …
2 Harking back to ‘ the first case — that of the man whose little boat capsized when he was twenty years old , ’ he said that then he had been prepared to give but afraid to take .
3 Grudgingly , Brian was forced to say that he had always thought it odd , but if reticence about her past was the way his wife wanted it , then he had been prepared to accept the situation .
4 In 1964 he had been prepared to back his hunches .
5 He had been prepared to sacrifice anyone and anything to his ambition .
6 Once she had tried to describe these feelings to Brian , but , while he had been prepared to admit that her mother was virtually certifiable , he had given it as his opinion that her father had been a remarkable man and a fine artist and richly entitled to his eccentricities : indeed , it had been incumbent on him , Brian had implied , to flout the conventions .
7 He had been prepared to put his money down then .
8 He had been prepared to cancel an engagement at London 's Victoria and Albert Museum if a satisfactory outcome was reached .
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