Example sentences of "he [modal v] be forced " in BNC.

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1 As part of the deal he may be forced to sell assets worth $2 billion within the next three years .
2 He may be forced to act in a certain way out of moral considerations which still involves him in feelings of guilt and remorse .
3 ‘ I 've got an open mind on my future but I would love to stay on , ’ confessed Butcher , who has conquered fears that he may be forced into premature retirement through knee trouble .
4 He had had to give up fighting blazes and now worked in the fire prevention service — although he may be forced to quit the post .
5 Even the trust 's director of emergency services , Nigel Brayley , warned he may be forced to close either Harwich or Clacton casualty wards if cuts were imposed .
6 If a customer was unaware of the need to provide variation margin from time to time and had insufficient available funds to meet margin calls , then he may be forced to liquidate his position at a loss even though , had the contract been allowed to run to maturity , it may have closed at a profit .
7 Leading scorer John Byrne received a kick on the ankle against his old club and he may be forced to stand down tonight , providing an opening for former England striker Peter Davenport , who was substitute at Brighton .
8 If the boy would not listen to poetry , then he should be forced at least to understand some grammar .
9 He 'll be forced to lead fitzAlan straight back here , ’ finished Isabel despairingly .
10 It 's winning , but unless he can find a sponsor , he 'll be forced to quit .
11 When the selling of the number plates is banned , Mr Wilkins says he 'll be forced out of business .
12 DEFENDER Terry Butcher swallowed up Luton 's attack — then confessed he could be forced to retire in the next few weeks .
13 She thought that if there were loads of other kids around he 'd be forced to play with them .
14 And he 'd be forced to come clean to Georgina , as well . ’
15 He would be forced to eat what was placed before him because pigs ' trotters were good for him and would help him to grow .
16 Captured , he would be forced into giving credence to the coup .
17 In despair , Angel had gone to his rich cousins , pleading that unless they helped him out he would be forced to sell the land to an outsider , a property developer who wanted to build houses there .
18 Here he would be forced to work as hard as the people among whom he lived .
19 At that point , Kirov knew that he would be forced to eliminate the little man , without a moment 's hesitation .
20 Counsel conjured up for us the picture of the accused person , after a gruelling day in court , returning to the cells to be met with the sight of an official of the Serious Fraud Office , armed with a further batch of questions , which he would be forced to answer on pain of being prosecuted for another offence .
21 The war made severe inroads into his livelihood and at times he would be forced onto the hills to join the gangs doing the walling , but he hated being away from his family and they too suffered from the separation and besides the wages were not enough for all seven of them .
22 Nuadu knew that the Robemaker would put him to the treadmills ; that he would be forced to work at powering the Silver Looms to weave the Robemaker 's enchantments .
23 Perot informed the Los Angeles Times on Sept. 15 , that if the two main candidates continued to ignore the importance of reducing the federal deficit , then he would be forced to re-enter the campaign in order to return the issue of fiscal propriety to the forefront of the electoral agenda .
24 At the same time he was busy courting his supporters amongst the Country Tories by playing on the theme of the " Church in Danger " , and his strategy appears to have been to unite the various dissident Tories behind him in order to oust Oxford from power , and then try to ensure that Tory political dominance was so unchallengeable that when George I became King he would be forced to work with them .
25 It is , however , increasingly felt by members of CITES delegations and the many observer groups from the world of conservation that Lapointe 's position is becoming untenable and he will be forced to resign — probably before the next CITES meeting , expected to be held in 1992 .
26 Though Premier John Major has said he will not sack his chancellor before the Spring Budget its is very likely he will be forced to dismiss him soon after .
27 He believes that things are as they seem to Dr Serafin ; that he is putting up proposals which are as sound as his judgement and experience can make them , that he is withdrawing them in deference to Serafin 's objections , and that he will be forced to formulate alternative proposals which can not be known to him yet because they will take their rise from views Serafin has still not expressed .
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