Example sentences of "he [be] all [prep] " in BNC.

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1 BRIGHTON Mark Steel is a comic who should be returned to at irregular intervals : see him too often ( and he is all over London ) and you tire of his south London patter , but go back to his schoolroom lesson after a break from the circuit , or see him off his home patch and you 'll enjoy an exercise bookful of character face-pulling , energetic storytelling and witty , like-it-is observations .
2 and there 's less chance of them getting lost because if we send it over to Monkland and it comes back here , it goes to Doctor , you know how he 's all over the place ,
3 He 's watched football in every league ground in England , all 92 , and he 's been to America , to watch West Bromwich playing in America , he 's been to the last two or three world cup tournaments , and he goes to all the matches away , you know , European cup matches and everything that English teams are playing in , he 's all over the world watching it , you see , This year , he 's watched 22 games , which is about fifty per cent of his normal , and even he 's getting browned off …
4 Well he 's all on his own .
5 And now here she was , and he was all at odds , wanting to go to her , knowing he could not .
6 A self-proclaimed poineer and the ‘ first man to go the whole hog ’ with his business , the Wild Boar Company , he was all for setting the strictest standards of breeds , offering a product aimed at the ‘ luxury end ’ of the market .
7 He was all for the idea , and we exchanged addresses .
8 He was all for sending Gladstone over to the ‘ bloody ’ Russians . ’
9 At the symposium , ‘ Are You Prepared for IT ? ’ , hosted by Zenith Data Systems , Gates spoke out on object programming , saying he thought the concept was just another hype that extends far beyond the reality available today — having said that , he said to look out for Microsoft 's Object Linking and Embedding 2.0 ‘ during 1993 ’ , saying he was all for any technology that will enable the economical re-use of parts of programs .
10 Macmillan replied urbanely that he was all for the plan , adding :
11 He was all for England 's democracy and against any form of union with Wales , Scotland , Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man , for which he seemed to have a particular dislike as " a nucleus of Celtic imagery " .
12 He was all over us last week , and now that he 's really needed , he 's nowhere to be found .
13 He was all in favour of anything that kept their costs down .
14 He was all in favour of that .
15 Before I even had a chance to talk to him he was all round the shop talking to everyone .
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