Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] gone " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But this year he has just gone out and done the job .
2 He has just gone into the first-class departure lounge for flight 205 to Miami , Florida . ’
3 He has even gone back to old techniques .
4 He is aiming at 100 stores , has added extra warehousing space and has even ( briefly ) considered expanding into eastern Europe , an idea he has since gone cool on : ‘ I was interested in Prague , but the Germans seem to have taken over . ’
5 He has since gone on as librarian and as professor of art history to write standard books on eleventh-century illumination in Normandy , Flemish illumination in the 1480s , Italian illumination of the Renaissance , insular illumination from the sixth century , English illumination of the thirteenth century , and many other far-ranging studies and catalogues and exhibitions .
6 Given that the Prime Minister correctly said last night that Maastricht will be an important stage on the road to even closer European union , what does he say today to those of his right hon. Friends who say that he has already gone far enough down the road to political and monetary union and , in their words , we should stay where we are ?
7 Here a bereaved person will often come to terms with the person 's death by saying , ‘ Well he has physically gone , but he 's still with me in so many ways .
8 Seems that Louis Gerstner has decided that the IBM Corp culture has to be changed from the top down as a priority , and he has again gone outside the company — and the computer industry — for a senior appointment , hiring Gerald Czarnecki , chairman and chief executive of the Bank of America Hawaii unit of BankAmerica Corp to be the new senior vice-president in charge of human resources and administration .
9 he has now gone back to Little , Brown lock , stock and backlist , and LB is mighty pleased .
10 ‘ It is n't that he has totally gone away , it 's just that I ca n't see him as I used to . ’
11 Well I also was er , er , a producer then in the B B C and so he and I had some cheerful encounters at that time , since when he has obviously gone from strength to strength .
12 He has never gone through the pain and never will , nor will he ever suffer from post-natal depression , morning sickness and the list goes on .
13 He has always gone through life doing things very much his way , courting controversy as he did so .
14 He 'd already gone .
15 He 'd just gone very pale .
16 So it was a case there , and course at the end of the day you rolled the little roll up , put elastic round and stood them up in a file and they stood there like little soldiers and you could always go back to the actual time , sometimes you found a man had n't re erm signed on , he 'd just gone and joined his bus up in town centre , well you , that was er subject of another letter .
17 He 'd just gone down there because er .
18 He 'd just gone up and I just I usually get up and turn the fire off and then the television .
19 His immense desire to have something outside himself that he could look up to and worship expressed itself not merely in that idealistic phase that he 'd just gone through , but in his attitude towards mathematical truth .
20 They did work in er two worked in two different quarries but within a week or a fortnight that young lad approached one of our members and said he 's sorry that he 'd ever gone back and I said to him well come back and join us and forget it all .
21 He 'd always gone to the fields long before Edward was up for school , but today he was still wrapping his lunchtime bread and cheese in a cloth .
22 Returning about tea time , he 'd then gone out once more to deliver some computer disks for another project he was running in Heanor .
23 But todsay Cranog Jones told the court he 'd only gone into the garage to de-tune her car after they 'd had an argument .
24 Well you know he 'd , he 'd obviously gone backwards .
25 This pistol was so heavy that he could not , of course , stick it in his belt ; it was all he could do to lift it with both hands But he had been so enthusiastic about it that he had willingly gone through the laborious loading of its honeycomb of barrels , one after another , and now it was ready to wreak destruction .
26 by no means ‘ lightly advancing thro ’ her star-trimm 'd crowd' — he had even gone so far as to look up Lantor 's lines about Ianthe — but perhaps women could n't be expected always to live up to what poets wrote about them .
27 He had even gone to the Wimbledon police , but they had not seemed very interested .
28 ‘ It has n't been any good for you , ’ her mother looked about to be certain Joseph was not with earshot even thought he had just gone off to fish in the lake , ‘ all this … ’ she added , unnecessarily , casting an accusing look in the direction of the inn parlour .
29 After losing his wife he had nearly gone to pieces ; yet they had been married six years .
30 He had already gone to his new job in Wensleydale , with a promise to return on his first free Sunday .
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