Example sentences of "he [verb] [not/n't] feel " in BNC.

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1 But you see he do n't feel the cold !
2 Although Jarman is an avid painter ( he exhibited at the ICA in 1984 ) , he did not feel that that medium could extend beyond ‘ one person 's thing ’ .
3 He taught her that the sacrament of the eucharist was so big that he did not feel that he had finished with it when he came home after the service at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning .
4 He did not feel well .
5 His wife was lurking in the basement all the time Eleanor was there , so that he did not feel safe getting close .
6 He did not feel that he would want to return to university , so he decided to apply for an unclassed ‘ War Honours ’ degree — ‘ probably not worth the paper it 's written on ’ , but perhaps enough to get him started in some profession , such as colonial service or , possibly , journalism ; he rather liked the idea of becoming a parliamentary correspondent for a newspaper .
7 He did not feel the presence of the dead poet in the room , but he did have a vague excited sense that any of these containers — the desk , the trunks , the hat-boxes , might contain some treasure like the faded letters in his own breast-pocket .
8 He had newer been out of Scotland before but he did not feel at all homesick .
9 And with a calm purpose that he did not feel he went out into the street .
10 The other horses clonked and snorted softly in the darkness behind their partitions , so that he did not feel at all alone , but in a sort of family .
11 Tony said he did not feel the need to come to see the therapist again , as he felt that he would now be able to tackle his difficulties without support .
12 But still coming in , and so gone that he did not feel the punches .
13 He lay back , resting his head on his hands that were clasped behind him , closing his eyes even though he did not feel like sleep .
14 ‘ I suspect he did not feel he could trust someone , ’ said Cramer delicately .
15 Rousseau 's tactics in doing battle with ‘ Reason ’ were very simple ; he rejected its validity altogether , and appealed to the emotions — he did not feel that the dictates of Reason and science were true .
16 He did not feel that the 15 day limit for minutes of the final meeting and responses to issues brought up at it was inadequate .
17 Was he , she wondered , proclaiming a confidence he did not feel , as he left her with instructions to telephone at once if she needed him .
18 He did not feel he could write freely if the typescript was readily accessible to his mother .
19 He did not feel afraid of the ghost and tried to speak to him , but the figure was sad and morose as if struck by a remorseless tragedy .
20 The other boy , David , was also puzzling about his experience in the cutting and had resolved to go back and try to find out if he had been dreaming ; somehow he did not feel frightened but more determined to see the tramp and make friends with him .
21 What level of income this had been , he did not feel he could reveal .
22 Regrettably , he did not feel the same way .
23 The laird , however , would have a short memory indeed if he did not feel a deep sense of gratitude to the man who could remove the spectre of this large indigent family becoming a charge upon his estate .
24 Sartre is reported to have said that he did not feel free without a thousand francs in his pocket ; this is clearly a freedom which can only be enjoyed by a few .
25 Besides , I 'm not well myself … indeed , I 'm most definitely sick , " added the Collector succumbing to a sudden wave of self-pity for it was true , he did not feel in the least well .
26 He did not feel he could work on such a project , however , until " Little Gidding " was finished .
27 The second night he did not feel well and suffered severely from sleepiness .
28 He did not feel so hostile to them as he did to the ravens , and merely ignored them , overflying them if they came too close but not behaving more aggressively than that .
29 But he did not feel that she looked upon their amorous exchanges as more than innocent dalliance .
30 The impulse was so strong that she could hardly believe that he did not feel it too .
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