Example sentences of "i felt [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 Sir Alfred was in love with the Cosworth idea of making engines for other people , but I felt we had to restore our position in F1 first .
2 I felt we had to find and develop talk personalities who could be entertaining as well as erudite .
3 I have never met anyone who heard that broadcast , but the Indian superintendent and I felt we had seen the job through to the end .
4 I said to Chris I felt we had a bit more money and could do better than that .
5 There was a gaudy shrine , and for a moment I felt we had entered the den of a fortune-teller .
6 But the main reason was that I wanted to explain how far I felt we had come in our understanding of the universe : how we might be near finding a complete theory that would describe the universe and everything in it .
7 In some ways I was more reckless and exposed myself to danger because I felt we had to come out and prove that the Government was responsible for the deaths of all the students .
8 Shreeves said : ‘ Gary could be as bright as a button on Monday , but I felt we had to let Graham Taylor know . ’
9 I could barely conceal my satisfaction – I felt we had ‘ arrived ’ .
10 When I went into prison I had mixed feelings for people outside — I hated them , I felt they had rejected me , they 'd left me alone to just get on with it .
11 I felt they had money on me .
12 I felt something had to be said , there was an atmosphere and whispers .
13 I felt he had a particularly fine game and brought off some devastating rugby tackles on the Sidcombe forwards .
14 I felt he had been struck by some arresting thought .
15 This was something that I felt I had to speak up about . ’
16 I felt I had music inside me that I wanted people to hear .
17 The first evidence of Cat 's ‘ I felt I had music inside me that I wanted people to hear .
18 Having reconciled myself to the situation , I felt I had to make a gift to Leslie of my acceptance .
19 The dread excitement of D-Day came , and I longed to be at Bletchley where I felt I had had a rôle .
20 I felt I had good cause .
21 They seemed urgent — I felt I had to do something .
22 To get somewhere for my caddying I felt I had to travel , and I left home for my first tournament in 1951 at St Andrews for the Amateur Championship .
23 If ever I felt I had been rude to her or disobedient , I always felt ashamed .
24 Most of us went to church on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day , and I felt I had so much for which to be profoundly thankful .
25 As far as I was concerned , when I had been at Bourn a month I felt I had lived there for years .
26 I felt I had strayed into the workshop of a latter-day Anton von Leeuwenhoek , the pioneer microscopist who was noted for his high-performance single lenses .
27 A few days later the father told a project worker , ‘ You know that was the first time I felt I had something to offer to the school . ’
28 I knew absolutely nothing about the Alexander Technique and viewed it with a certain amount of scepticism , but I felt I had nothing to lose .
29 Unused as I am to public scribbling , and tardy to boot ( I 've just read your December/January issue ) , I felt I had to thank you for saving me time and trouble ( not to mention hard-won shekels ) , in a search for something which obviously does not exist .
30 I felt I had fully vindicated my request .
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