Example sentences of "i need [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Also , I need money for my work in the Opera House .
2 I 've put report down there , cos then you have science , report math 's , report and I put Ralph Gardener Community High School cos then I need space for community .
3 I need identification for this job . ’
4 ‘ I play hard and to win and that produces frustrations — and dealing with those frustrations is what I need help with . ’
5 I need help with bottling the plums . ’
6 ‘ It 's better to tell them beforehand , ‘ You wheel the chair and if I need help in a shop , I 'll let you know . ’
7 I need help from you now .
8 ‘ As the representative of a multi-national organisation , I need help from a solicitor to organise the takeover of a firm overseas . ’
9 I need information from you . ’
10 I need guidance on how sensational he wants the script to be .
11 ‘ I 'm not one for crosses , I need quality through balls to my feet , which is n't our strong point right now .
12 I need background on someone .
13 Well I need daddy to a start along there .
15 I need access to the Glory of Set . ’
16 The theme of his unhappiness was that ‘ I ca n't have continuity , and I need continuity for my work ’ .
17 I was saying , I need sort of eight , nine , and I could easily sleep for twelve hours .
18 I got fifty or maybe seventy thousand dollars earned , and I need advice about investing it .
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